Nov 13, 2011 19:19

Who: Residents of House 53 plus anyone else who wants to show up
When: The afternoon of Sunday, November 13
Where: House 53
Summary: It's isntyourfriend's birthday! Come wish him a happy day, or at least get some cake.
Rating: G unless Elliot gets really upset about the party

happy birthday to Elliot~ )

[pokemon] yellow, [pandora hearts] gilbert nightray, [tales: graces] richard, [pandora hearts] elliot nightray, [pandora hearts] jack vessalius, [pandora hearts] vincent nightray, [pandora hearts] ada vessalius, [pandora hearts] oz vessalius, [pandora hearts] leo baskerville

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chainedraven November 14 2011, 02:28:09 UTC
[Gilbert's main focus is keeping an eye on the food, since he made it and feels responsible to ensure that the refreshments stay well-stocked. It also gives him a very convenient excuse to not mingle with any guests who might show up, since he's never been that sociable a person to begin with, but if anyone would care to corner him he'll be around.

Possibly hiding. But around.]


chainedraven November 15 2011, 22:21:09 UTC
[Insert another awkward pause here. Gilbert still isn't quite sure if Elliot is annoyed about the party or not, but at least he isn't yelling. That's a good sign.]

Well. Happy birthday.


isntyourfriend November 16 2011, 00:53:48 UTC
[The birthday wish makes him look away again. This will never not be embarrassing.]

Th-thank you. [Another pause, but this time, Elliot won't let it linger. He'll look at him when he speaks again.] ...I mean it.


chainedraven November 16 2011, 02:27:54 UTC
[Gilbert blinks, then almost despite himself the corners of his mouth curve into a small smile. So maybe this was a good idea after all, then.]

You're welcome.


isntyourfriend November 16 2011, 06:31:08 UTC
It's... nice. Parties are better like this. [When they're small and the only people there are people that he actually cares about, not the ones that he's supposed to impress.] So... thanks, I guess.


chainedraven November 17 2011, 03:13:45 UTC
It wasn't my idea to begin with, though. I just agreed to do the cooking.


isntyourfriend November 17 2011, 09:29:16 UTC
You still didn't have to do it. Stop being so modest!


chainedraven November 17 2011, 10:08:12 UTC
Did you think I'd just ignore your birthday?


isntyourfriend November 17 2011, 10:25:08 UTC
Wh-what kind of question is that? The answer should be obvious!

[Of course he thought you'd ignore it. He kind of thought everyone would.]


chainedraven November 18 2011, 02:47:35 UTC
I didn't have to do it but I wasn't going to do nothing.


isntyourfriend November 18 2011, 03:38:13 UTC
You could have.

[He's not Oz. He didn't think he cared enough, so it always surprises him to learn otherwise.

...and surprising things are just confusing.]


chainedraven November 18 2011, 03:56:13 UTC
Why would I do that?

[He was always avoiding the Nightray house because it was... well, the Nightray house. Not because Elliot was there.]


isntyourfriend November 18 2011, 08:37:15 UTC
Since when do you care about this family?


chainedraven November 18 2011, 08:59:41 UTC
I care about your birthday.

[Translation: I don't, except for one member of it.]


isntyourfriend November 20 2011, 09:36:16 UTC
[He cares about his birthday.

> implying that he doesn't care about anything else involving the Nightrays.

...but he cares about him.]


isntyourfriend November 20 2011, 09:36:29 UTC
S-stop saying such embarrassing things!


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