Sep 21, 2011 12:20

Who: lookinforlight and goldenfirefly
What: Girls shopping day.
Where: ...Luceti. \8|/
Summary: Norma drags Stella out of the house to go shopping and talk about BOYS.
Rating: G/PG, probably.


[tales: legendia] norma beatty, [tales: legendia] stella telmes

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Comments 8

goldenfirefly September 22 2011, 04:15:24 UTC
Norma -

[It was quite a surprise to be literally yanked away from cooking supper to... whatever Norma had planned. While Stella had complained at first, she now finds herself being willingly dragged along, though she still has her reservations. Sure, the rest of the household can cook for themselves, but...

She likes doing it, for more reasons than one. And a few of those reasons might not be very admirable ones.

Stella can't help glancing back at the path towards their house before a tug from Norma causes her to look forward away.]

Just where are we going, anyway?


lookinforlight September 22 2011, 04:39:27 UTC
[Cooking? Pshaw, cooking is more people who have nothing to do. Fenimore can cook. Or Wally, he needs to pull his weight, anyway. ...Grune needs to keep far away from the kitchen. Forever.

Norma continues pulling Stella down towards the village square, until she begins to come along willingly. By that point, Norma lets go and walks by Stella's side, half bouncing with each step. She seems extremely pleased with herself. Getting sweetie out of the house, spending time with her, getting new clothes because it's getting damn cold, and she can ask about that grumpy guy...heh. Norma's killing a bunch of birds with that really big rock.]

We're going out! Y'know...girl stuff! Shopping and talking and...stuff! [She'll ease into that redheaded boy.] Besides, Sweetie, you were looking like you were getting tortured staying inside the house. I think you need to get out more than I do, jeez!

[Maaan, if that amusement park was still around, she'd drag Stella to that. Didn't someone say something about the battle dome do-hickey being able to ( ... )


goldenfirefly September 22 2011, 04:55:03 UTC
[The more Stella hears about Norma's idea, the more she finds herself glad to be out of the house and walking with her to do... girl stuff. Ha, she's hardly even done that before... But surely there can be a first time.]

Haha, lead the way, then! [... First, though. Stella pauses, and she locks her hands behind her back as she walks and looks ahead to where their destination might be, a light little smile on her face.] I wouldn't compare that to torture. [She sounds humored, but... really. Aaahaha, that... is nothing like torture. Though she does glance at Norma out of the corner of her eye - did she notice Stella slacking off, or not smiling as much?

She'll probably have to fix that.]


lookinforlight September 22 2011, 15:02:27 UTC
[It's a shame Norma's not all "there" in the ways of common sense. The comment about torture soars above her head and she just continues on. Maybe if she were any other person, she'd have borked a little. But Norma is Norma, and she just leans closer to Stella with a grin.]

Well, maybe not that far, but come on, Sweetie! You were looking like a zombie some days! It's gotta get boring, huh? You've been here for a while now, right? Don't tell me you've just been stuck in the house all that time! Jeez, Sweetie, no wonder you looked so glum! You have to go out sometimes, y'know? Meet people and do fun things! There's got to be something fun around here to do!


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