lucetiWhat: Amusement Parking!
When: Today til the end of the month
Where: A veritable pleasure island, east of the Beach Fort.
Summary: An amusement park has popped up in Luceti. It's all
over here.
Rating: F is for friends who do stuff together
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Hey, Peachy, you just gotta try the roller coasters! They're a blast! [... For a bird, who obviously has little to fear about falling and can Glide at a moment's notice.]
And, Kazooie is so full of energy and fun to be around! Certainly they are in great terms!]
I think I should. I mean, I can't even decide which ride I should visit first, so that's a place to start. [She chuckles, imagining that is the kind of place Kazooie enjoys.]
This place is a heck of a lot better than Witchyworld! Heck, it's even got a working log flume! [As opposed to Witchyworld's broken Log Flume of Doom, which never got fixed.
Hell yes it is.]
We gotta get you on the Shadow Dragon or whatever it's called. Though I didn't see any real dragons...
Witchyworld doesn't sound like a very 'welcoming' place... [Really. At least the Toy Box has an appealing name, but you soon regret going there when the Shy Guys start throwing rocks at you for invading their land.]
I would love to go to it, even if it's lacking on the dragons. [She beams at Kazooie, walking to the roller coaster's direction.]
It wasn't. It was dark and gross and full of stupid guys and bad food, and the rides were terrible. But it was fun to beat stuff up, I guess!
[Kazooie flicks her short tail and starts trotting off towards the line for the roller coaster - which she runs into a moment later.] Aw, no fair. There's such a long queue!
[... It isn't that long. Kazooie's just a whiner.]
That place sure sounds unsettling. She wouldn't want to visit it, that's for sure.]
Well, if the line is long it means that the ride is really good! [Peach... always an optimist...]
She cranes her neck up to study the Shadow Dragon again.] I wonder if Banjo'd like this... probably not. He doesn't like anything fun!
Say, this Banjo looks like someone really close to you. You certainly should tell me more about him. [Not to mention that they probably would get along just fine...]
I've been living at his house in Spiral Mountain since! And I'd just convinced him to go on an adventure when his sister Tooty got kidnapped by stupid, fat ol' Gruntilda the witch...
And looks like your life is quite full of excitement too! Well, I can't really say mine isn't, but not really the way I want it to. [Like, being kidnapped and fearing for the end of the world isn't exactly a joyride, but she would like to have a different kind of thrill, for a change.]
[For a moment, Kazooie lets herself feel sad. Just a very brief moment, long enough to even be easily dismissed as just discomfort from standing or something equally mundane.]
Yeah, excitement is pretty much my middle name!
But that's what this kinda stuff is good for. Excitement on your own terms!
I mean, we have been thrown here against our will. It isn't very nice, but I think we need to deal with it for a while.
But it's not so bad when this place is cool, like it is now!
I need my freedom to have a proper adventure!
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