Jun 17, 2011 17:15

Who: oneofsaya and you!
What: The big battle.
When: June 18th, afternoon.
Where: Anywhere.
Summary: Kusanagi has decided to go on a freaking rampage and will KILL YOU ALL. So, uh. I think it's a good time to make like Ike and fight for your friends.
Rating: M (for death and violence!)
dead, dead, dead, dead )

[eternal sonata] frederic chopin, [golden sun] amiti, [tales: legendia] grune, [dcau] batman, [tales: abyss] asch, [tales: vesperia] yuri lowell, [dcau] superman, [blazblue] noel vermillion, [btvs] rupert giles, [oc] helios sprensonne, [saiyuki] homura, [devil survivor] main character, [tales: abyss] luke fon fabre, [blazblue] v-13 (nu), [ff: iv] cecil harvey, [peacemaker kurogane] okita souji, [tales: vesperia] raven, [oc] robert hastings

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Midway through the fight, and a placeholder until tomorrow morning. lostinmyway June 18 2011, 03:52:56 UTC
[Grune had been gone for most of the day to check on her water lilies at the lake. She had enjoyed a nice, peaceful day rambling aimlessly about.

And then she had come home to find her village a war zone.

Even Grune can't miss what this means. When she finds the person responsible battling one of the villagers, she sets down her bouquet of flowers and begins to cast a spell.

Her intent isn't to do anything more than distract Mu when her opponents need it. As she is now, Grune couldn't possibly be a match for her, and she wouldn't want to kill her--only incapacitate her.

So, who is she buying time for? Is it you? Even if you've only said hello to her once--in even if she's only seen you around the village--she considers you a friend she must protect.]


puppet_paladin June 19 2011, 18:08:28 UTC
[He nods, as he starts casting a minor healing spell on himself.]

I am, thank you. Do you know what is the exact casting time of your spell?

[The moment his Cura is completed, he starts another Protect for Dhaos. If only he'd thought of taking a staff along; he's greatly regretting his inability to cast Shell, at the moment.]


oneofsaya June 19 2011, 20:53:35 UTC
[Again, the Bloody Howling manages to stop Kusanagi before she's able to grab the man. Like before, just another annoyance, but it manages to slow her down.

Alas, Kusanagi will wait for the darkness to disperse before resummoning a few multiple moving orbs; ones that move after their target for a few seconds and shoot lasers plus, if the combatant isn't careful, they risk getting ran over by them.

Dhaos isn't the only one they target; quite a few head in the directions of Cecil and Grune.]


whatdeheckisdat June 20 2011, 07:05:33 UTC
lostinmyway June 20 2011, 15:57:54 UTC
[At Cecil's question, she pauses to think.] Hmm. I wonder.


She's only brought back to the situation at hand upon the approach of Mu's orbs. Once again, she'll be testing Cecil's defensive abilities, because there isn't a chance she'll be able to avoid them all on her own.]


puppet_paladin June 20 2011, 23:12:45 UTC
[If she does not know it by heart, he'll simply have to work with his own estimates. He opens his mouth to tell her it doesn't matter-]


[-but the Cover activates once more, taking him by surprise. His raised shield managed to block some of the lasers, but the rest of it hits him directly.]


oneofsaya June 21 2011, 05:06:42 UTC
[Hey, she's not going anywhere!

But upon hearing those words (and remembering the last he summoned it), Kusanagi has no choice but to put up her guard to defend herself from the oncoming flurry of attacks. It protects her... mostly.

After it wears off, though, she's going to keep being annoying and continue attempting to close that distance between her and Dhaos. If she manages this, he better be careful for the incoming slashes!]


whatdeheckisdat June 21 2011, 23:35:45 UTC
lostinmyway June 21 2011, 23:55:43 UTC
[Seeing Cecil get so badly hurt for her increases her resolve still further, and so Grune begins to cast the strongest spell she currently has in her arsenal.]


puppet_paladin June 22 2011, 00:01:11 UTC
[The moment Grune starts casting, Cecil braces himself. There's no doubt Kusanagi will go after them if they pose any threat, and he'll need to keep Covering when she does. Which is why he's not surprised when his ability activates...

...until he suddenly finds himself teleported in front of their opponent, and on the receiving end of that laser attack.]

...What? How...?

[That is all the shock he can express before he knows nothing but pain.]


oneofsaya June 22 2011, 10:08:24 UTC


She had braced herself for the attack, but having this occur was entirely unexpected.

Kusanagi can't help but stop and stare at Cecil's actions.]


whatdeheckisdat June 23 2011, 01:19:52 UTC
lostinmyway June 23 2011, 01:38:31 UTC
[Grune finishes casting her spell, and her voice is more resolute now as she calls out:] Absolute!

[Briefly, blue-purple light appears around her in a snowflake shape, and then giant spears of ice blast through the ground.

Unfortunately, the spell isn't all that much more powerful than Bloody Howling; it's still nothing more than an annoyance.

As soon as she's finished casting, she runs forward, intent on pulling Cecil out of danger.]


puppet_paladin June 23 2011, 02:01:55 UTC
[The fight continues around Cecil, but he's completely unaware of it. His mind is filled with pain, confusion, and a terrible feeling of dread, one that he cannot ignore...

Gathering all of his strength, he manages to turn slowly around to truly look at their opponent for the first time.]


[He finally collapses, before he can even finish his sentence. He'll not rise for the rest of the fight.]


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