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Outside on the first day o/` semper_cogitans June 14 2011, 07:36:09 UTC
[Mildmay may notice somebody who's being especially nice and kind and special today - a regular little social butterfly, fluttering around with a bright, winning smile.

When he notices Mildmay, he gives a cheerful, sweeping wave - not that Mildmay's ever met him before, but it lacks that normal mechanical rigidity one could expect from Robert waving.]

Hey there! I don't suppose we've ever met before, but you look like you could use some company.


ohmykethe June 14 2011, 13:17:56 UTC
[Mildmay sees Robert and looks back with something like approval; he scooches back and leans against a tree, the Jashuki at his feet.]

Can't see why not. What's you're name?


semper_cogitans June 14 2011, 16:07:40 UTC
I'm Robert. [He drops almost gracefully - none of that stilted awkwardness for him! - to his knees and regards Mildmay with interest. Not malicious interest - Robert has never been the type to be cruel or anything of the sort, and even outside of the experiment, the scar on Mildmay's face would be nothing negative whatsoever - but interest, in the fact he is new and exciting.] And yours? [Robert extends a hand for a handshake - his hands are very small, and soft, but they aren't shaky today. This is the confident gesture of someone with an actual social presence.]


ohmykethe June 14 2011, 16:12:00 UTC
[Mildmay shakes hands and dips his head to acknowledge Robert kindly. He's still fiercely observant, the event hasn't taken that away, but it's muddled and stilted through a filter that trusts people instead of the reverse. That coat couldn't be hiding weapons, and Mildmay for once doesn't automatically consider whether or not he could take this man in a fight, or how, or on what terms.]

Mildmay. Knew a Robert, once; he was a dumbfuck. You ain't, right? [Said kindly, as a joke, instead of in the interrogative stance it would have taken on any other day.]


Derp, icon fail semper_cogitans June 14 2011, 16:32:21 UTC
[Pfft, as if Robert - the fierce pacifist who'd rather kill himself before even harming anybody else - would conceal weapons in his lab coat. Or even think to, actually. As for taking him in a fight? Mildmay could easily kill him without even trying.

... Normally Robert would be fearful, but for different reasons. Is he judging me? What does he think of me? Does he feel like I'm stupid? And that would be exacerbated by his inability to understand his cues. But not so today!]

It's great to meet you, Mildmay! [And at the second part, Robert just grins.] No, I can't say I am, in any sense of the word. But it takes all kinds of people, right? Still, I'm sorry somebody had to drag my name through the mud. [This is a joke too, instead of the earnest, genuine apology it might have been in another situation.]


no prob <3 ohmykethe June 14 2011, 16:59:57 UTC
[Mildmay knows Robert's coat couldn't have weapons in it, but that's mostly from experience; after a moment of observation, he notices that the fabric is unlike that in his own coat, back home and used almost entirely for concealment.]

Eh, I never talked to him much, maybe he weren't that bad. [Something like a kind look makes this more of a thoughtful touch than the glum dismissal it would normally be.] Apology accepted, though.


\o/ semper_cogitans June 14 2011, 17:21:54 UTC
[The fabric should be unlike any coat Mildmay's ever seen, actually - it's a tough artificial fabric, specifically treated to deal with the various situations a lab coat might have to endure. It's hardly armour or a haz-mat suit, but it's tougher than your usual white fabric.]

Getting to know people always helps in that way, I'd think. It's easier to understand people that way. [Yes, because Robert would totally know this - he just got the ability to... not be autistic.]

So I heard you humming - that's quite the nice song. Are you a composer or something? [He smiles brightly. Composing is a Cerebral Career and Robert still has his Terran values, after all.]


ohmykethe June 14 2011, 18:40:39 UTC
[Mildmay mostly just notices that it doesn't seem like it has any concealed pockets or stitched-together insides. Anything aside from the stitchwork is out of his realm-- he's observant, but within reason.]

I ain't never been one much for knowing people... [Which seems odd in retrospect-- people are so much fun! He shrugs, not worrying himself with it overly.]

Psh, no. I can't hardly write my own damn name, I couldn't be a composer. [The way Mildmay says the word makes it clear he's unfamiliar with the term. But he's guessed at its meaning from context.]


semper_cogitans June 15 2011, 00:56:52 UTC
[Makes sense. After all, it's not like one could tell most of that just by looking...]

Oh, neither was I until I realized just how good it was to be social and have friends! They're the best thing about this place.

[Robert hums thoughtfully at the next part.] Hmm, well, you have a talent for songwriting... So I'm pretty sure you could do it, even if you have some difficulty writing! Besides, you could get lots of people to help you if you need it.

[Nobody will judge you, Mildmay! Robert himself would be concerned at first, but this event is making him cheerful enough to push that aside for now.]


ohmykethe June 15 2011, 01:01:16 UTC
[Mildmay shrugs,] Nah, I mean, I didn't write it. Everyone knows that song, where I'm from. Don't like asking for help, leastways. [Though, suddenly, Mildmay can't imagine why not. How strange! And yet, unique.]


semper_cogitans June 15 2011, 01:44:14 UTC
Oh, that's fine! It's no trouble either way. But you're good at carrying a tune, I think. [Hey, Robert doesn't like asking for help sometimes either. It's all good.]

Where are you from, if I may ask? There are all sorts of interesting worlds represented here, and it's great to talk with people about 'em.


ohmykethe June 15 2011, 02:16:14 UTC
Thanks! [Mildmay beams at the compliment instead of blushing and refusing to accept.]

Marathat. Mélusine, to be precise. Don't suppose you heard of it? Where're you from, then?


semper_cogitans June 15 2011, 05:45:23 UTC
Sadly, I haven't - but worlds tend to be pretty different.

Mélusine... I bet it's a beautiful place. [His expression is soft; he can't help but imagine what it's like.]

My own planet is called Terra - it's a multiversion, or basically a kind of copy, of "Earth" - that's what it was called in its past. There are a lot of copies of Terra-like planets here, actually - I'd say the majority of humans come from places like that.

[See, that genius is still there - it's just no longer covered in a solid wall of pretentious diction.]

Is your world like that too?


ohmykethe June 15 2011, 14:16:54 UTC
It's kind of a shithole. [Mildmay says, still cheery. What, it's the truth. 'Squalor', as Zephyr would say. Squalor's a good word. He'll have to remember that.] Like the cathedrals, though. The... the- [Mildmay is trying to think of the word 'architecture'. He settles for:] buildings and shit.

I wouldn't know. Dunno half of what you just said, to be honest. [What the fuck is a multiversion? Or a majority? Less pretentious Robert may be, but Mildmay is still severely undereducated.] Meduse's the name of the... the 'planet' I'm from. Mélusine's the city.


semper_cogitans June 15 2011, 17:09:14 UTC
Oh, I'm sure it can't be that terrible... [Or maybe it could be, but Robert has severe trouble thinking of worlds like that. The idea of Don's family living in sewers terrified him.

The word "cathedral", though... That's a kind of building, isn't it? It's not something Robert completely recognizes, but he doesn't poke at that yet, more because he's socially aware of how he might've put Mildmay in a bad position with his wording.] Ah, sorry about that... I can explain a little better, if you want?

Meduse... That reminds me of a word I know, actually. Medusa - the free-floating stage of a jellyfish.

[Such strange word associations, right? But he is an astrobiologist.]


ohmykethe June 15 2011, 17:14:55 UTC
Nah, you're right. It ain't. [Optimist!] I mean, if'n you're from the right parts... [Optimism! Conflicting with a life of pessimism and pessimistic memories! Reboot!] Anyway, like I said, it's pretty.

If'n you like. [He shrugs. For the event, his pride can withstand being explained to.] I ain't never heard'a no Terra. Or Earths.

Oh, jellyfishes? You got some named after where I'm from?


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