
Jul 24, 2008 13:02

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Accepted yo lucetimods August 1 2008, 16:58:18 UTC
o/ Have sum links eh!

Please create your character journal, reply to the taken, housing, and friend add/remove posts, and join luceti, lucetilogs, lucetifans and lucetiooc.


insighting August 1 2008, 17:12:53 UTC
Thank you~


1/? meowzy_chan August 1 2008, 09:26:45 UTC
Oh dear lord, first post with the new app system. I hope I don't suck.


Name: Meowzy
Livejournal Username: Meowzy-chan
AIM/MSN: ThaMeowzy/


Name: Navi
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time
Gender: Female.
Age: … A lot? I think fairies can turn very old.
Time Period: Just before they enter Ganondorf’s castle to save Zelda.
Wing Color: White.
Personality: Despite the fact that Navi is a very major character, she has no real development or background. Though she looks like every other guardian fairy, the Deku Tree deemed her to be special and summons her specifically to guard the 'boy of destiny'. At first, she seems to be a bit exasperated by Link’s attitude, constantly urging him to move faster and even going as far as to call him “lazy”. However, once the Deku Tree passes away, she comes to accept the boy as the future hero. It is also likely she stays by his ( ... )


2/3 (wait, I can't direct reply?) meowzy_chan August 1 2008, 09:33:01 UTC
Strengths: Most of all, Navi is extremely knowledgeable about Hyrule, as well as the creatures that inhabit it. She can point out weak spots of his enemies, even if it’s just a wild guess, thus helping Link in his quest. There are only very few monsters in the game on which Navi cannot give any insight. An example, of course, is Ganon(dorf). Similarly, she is the one who constantly guides him through Hyrule by telling him where to go. Emotionally, Navi is a very persistent character, not to mention loyal. She stays by Link’s side no matter what, taking her job as guardian fairy very seriously, despite the fact that the boy is not an actual Kokiri.

Weaknesses: It is hard to find a weakness in Navi’s personality, aside from her annoying high-pitched voice. Some might say that she’s a bit too pushy, but considering the general Zelda gamer likes to loiter around and play minigames, can we really blame her? The only real weakness I can think of is her inability to Z-focus Ganondorf in the first stage of the final battle. This is due to ( ... )


3/3 meowzy_chan August 1 2008, 09:35:27 UTC
Third Person:
Navi sat on a treestump, her legs crossed and her head resting on her left hand as she mulled things over. She just couldn’t decide which part of the situation was most troublesome. Was it the fact that she, a guardian fairy chosen by the Deku Tree himself, had been kidnapped? Was it the fact that Link had been left behind in Hyrule to fend for himself? Or was it the fact that she couldn’t fly with these terrifying wings? It was all equally annoying, really.

Kidnapped to be experimented on. Whoever heard of something like that? Well, Ganondorf seemed like the kind of guy to pull tricks like that. But everyone in the village said the same thing; the Malnosso were to blame. Malnosso… She’d never heard of a creature by that name. Well, that was only logical if they were in another world. So far, nobody had been able to defeat them. But surely, they had a weak point. Every enemy had a weak point, right ( ... )


Accepted! lucetimods August 1 2008, 16:59:37 UTC
Damn you Meowzy, now I halfway wish Link was still around. He would so " :| " at Navi and bottle her the second he met her.

Please create your character journal, reply to the taken, housing, and friend add/remove posts, and join luceti, lucetilogs, lucetifans and lucetiooc.


Re: Accepted! meowzy_chan August 1 2008, 17:05:09 UTC
Hahahah. Navi wouldn't have healed him if he got hurt, though. That's a pity.

Two questions, just to be certain;
1) There's no exception to the "no flying" rule? Not even for Navi?
2) The journal she gets, is it human-sized or is it a tiny fairy journal?


lucetimods August 1 2008, 17:23:12 UTC
Yeah, Navi's a special case. I think for her, because she's so tiny, she can fly. But let's just say she can't zip around as freakishly as she usually can, the little crack addict. And her journal (and writing utensils, etc)...shrink when in her possession; otherwise, it's normal-sized. Sound good?


Application: Felix (Reserved) 1/2 shokora_kukki August 1 2008, 19:10:46 UTC

Name: Kukki
Livejournal Username: ”shokora_kukki”
AIM/MSN: Shokora Kukki


Name: Felix
Fandom: Golden Sun
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Time Period: Post The Lost Age
Wing Color: Dark brown, like soil
History: Here is an in-depth article of his history.
Personality: It’s difficult to describe him, like Isaac, because during the second game, he takes on the role of the silent protagonist. In the first game, he came off as extremely stubborn, to the point of refusing help to people who’d offer. He had a mission given to him, and he intended to stay on that path regardless of who tries to stop him. He’d even go against his childhood friends to activate the lighthouses. But he does have the skill to be a good leader, as shown by the fact that he’s the main character in The Lost Age. While he vocally showed his stubbornness throughout the first game, he also showed care for his sister and to anyone he chose to protect throughout the journey to the point of getting himself in extreme danger to get them out of ( ... )


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