Rise Again [HB-Closed]

Oct 09, 2006 16:36

Darkness. Emptiness. Nothing.

Is this what it’s like to be dead? I can’t be dead. Not at the hands of that pipsqueak Sora…

A dark figure laid there. She was completely in disbelief of what had just happened. To think, someone like her, the mistress of all evil, defeated by someone so…insignificant. She floated there, in what felt like nothingness, with nothing to keep her company but her own thoughts.

If I’m dead why aren’t I in Hell? Or is this hell?

How long had she been “dead”? Questions began to fill her head. How could this have happened? How could Riku turn on her like that? As her thoughts turned to Riku she began to feel an anger she hadn’t felt in a long time. She clenched her fist at the thought of him, that idiot. She raised her hands to her face so she could see her green complexion, her cloak was gone and for the first time since she had been created her long raven hair flowed freely. Death wasn’t so bad. At least she wasn’t surrounded by morons anymore, but this nothingness was a bit boring, and now she would never have ultimate power. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate; she was amazed that she still had such calm thoughts. This was far less painless than her victims made it out to be.

As she laid there she could see a bright light pierce through the darkness around her. As she slowly opened her eyes she could see a shape in the distance. Moving towards the shape with curiosity she soon realized it was her staff. The item of her powers, the gift from darkness itself. She pushed herself to move closer to the staff but the light around it blinded her slightly. Stretching out her arm, she tried desperately to reach it, but it seemed like at each attempt she made to grab hold of it the staff would move farther away. Soon her frustration got the better of her as she mustered up all her strength to reach out and grab hold of her staff.

As soon as her fingers touched the staff a surge of power went through her body, causing her body to arch backward. This power…it was different from before. Like the heartless were stronger. As she regained her composure she began to stare at the orb that sat a top her staff, she saw him. Sora. That spiky haired brat that had ruined her, he was fighting the heartless, same as always. He must have thought he was doing some good. Images continue to flash before her of how happy some worlds were and how others were being destroyed by heartless. The heartless-being left to their devices-were almost completely chaotic. That’s not how you destroy people, she thought to herself. She was disgusted to learn of how the Princess of Heart were running the show and Sora was being the little errand boy sealing up worlds. Her anger began to rise; she had not been this frustrated since she placed that damnable curse on Aurora. As her anger grew it seemed that the bright light that had once surrounded her staff was being choked out by darkness. As the Darkness grew and completely smothered the light she began to feel stronger, and as she felt stronger the Darkness began to surround her as well. Instead of being choked and smothered by the darkness she embraced it. Allowing it to consume her once more she felt her own dark powers reviving. She began to feel like herself again.

Pain. Massive amount of pain.

Clawing at the ground and looking up towards the sky she let out a cough, it was like she forgot how to breathe. The light from the sun stung her eyes, and the air felt like grains of sand on her skin. She was weak...but she was alive. A familiar shadow circled her. It was Diablo with her staff, her one true companion, the only one she could really trust. He swooped down and landed gracefully infront of her and her let out a loud clank as it hit the ground. Diablo's eyes grew wide with surprise as the staff fell and he even flew back a bit as if he was scared of it. She strained to lift her head once more to look at Diablo, and he move closer to her. As he moved he nudged the staff towards her with beak and hopped back a step or two waiting for her to take it. She took a moment to look at it, wondering if it would make her strong once more like in her dream. Wait. Was that a dream? She stared at it curiously, it was like the first time she had ever laid eyes on it. She wondered what power it would bring... A sharp pain shot through her arm as she extended it to touch the staff. The moment her hand touched the staff the same surge of power she had felt before shot through her body. The Darkness. The Darkness was consuming her once more but as it did, as she embraced it, she began to feel strong once more. Darkness surrounded her once more but this time to took form of her cloak again, it swirled around her body and up towards her neck. As it moved up her body and up her neck her long raven hair twisted into two horns once more. She stood there poise, staff in hand and feeling better than ever.


She was still a bit weak, which is to be expected from anyone that had died. She would have to bide her time before she would be strong enough to carry out her plans. And one thing was certain... the thorn in her side would need to be extracted. Sora would need to be eliminated. As for that boy…Riku. Yes, the one that had betrayed her. Death would not be enough for him…


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