Usually there wasn't anything distinguishable about the days since the black creatures had shown up. The days blended together. That day, however, he remembered the sky vividly. The clouds over Headquarters were dark that day. Strangely enough he remembered the same color nimbi hanging over Fuget years ago: a shale with a lighter gray lining. Thinking about that day was enough for him to consider the sky a bad omen.
What brumous skyline lingered soon gave way to the sunless night. Night didn't mean sleep for anyone anymore, now the evenings symbolized the unknown, fear, and the lingering threat of combat with these strange enemies.
"They seem to like attacking us at night rather than when we can see them." He advised those who were finishing the torch lighting on the inside of the structure. "So get this place as lit as you can." Everything seemed in order, his comrades were as ready as they were going to be given how hard he had pushed them lately. Calintz shot a glance to each one of them scattered around the building. They all looked tired.
Such frequent attacks were one of the reasons the unit and their Captain had been holed up at headquarters, unable to move on to the next city.
They didn't have to wait long for the creatures to show up. A wave of monsters flooded the courtyard that night unmatched by any the organization had encountered. The larger ones, which had been rumors until that point, tore across the front lines along with the small ones. No one hesitated once the order of attack was given by his hand. Hot embers dusted the air; gusts of violent wind swirled about them; earth rumbled and shifted beneath their feet; all withering the chi down to nothing, yet the creatures could still attack without fail.
From shale and silver to sunless sky, the heavens took a new form that no one had seen before: it was painted an illustrious shade of black.