There are always moments of disorientation when one wakes up from a near-catatonic sleep. The only thing that matters in that time is the solid thing beneath the body and the fragmented images slowly being overridden by pain. Pain brought things into focus, like the images that were just light playing across his eyelids
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Comments 43
He'd done his own searches, even utilizing the castle's secret passages in case she'd somehow stumbled upon them. Still, nothing. She was gonePerhaps Riku had come to find her, he'd eventually decided. He could only worry over it for so long and there wasn't much he could do. Running around to other worlds in search of her would hardly make sense. Trying to contact her through journals was a possibility, and he made a note to leave a message for her, despite the fact that he didn't believe he'd ever given her his username. Maybe she'd find the entry anyway ( ... )
He wasn’t about to charge into something that was completely screened in smoke. Once the smoke cleared a little more, he’d make his way in and see what kind of situation they had here.
At least he could say one thing for this little trip. Definitely wasn’t boring so far.
...Well, it would have been worse if not for that little clause Aladdin had made sure to tag about those who had strong hearts could make it out. Having a place to call home was nice and good, but it was really the people that made it home. If he had made it out then maybe other had, too! Didn’t think he had that strong of a heart. Maybe the bar for what was considered a strong heart was set rather low ( ... )
“Well I was military. Guess that’s kind of past tense now.” Having an offer right up front to join this new military seemed almost too convenient-he wasn’t used to such lucky break without some sort of loophole to make it less desirable.
The offer was given its proper weight in thought since it didn’t seem like too much of a bad idea. “The.. Military here. If I joined that I’d get to go to this Traverse Town place, right?” Military was military, and the military where he was from traveled to other places. If that was the case, maybe he could go to Traverse and see if anyone from his “world” had ended up there. If no one that he knew was in that town.. Well.. Then he’d have to start dealing with that possibility ( ... )
"It doesn't have to be past tense," he said with a small shrug. "You'd probably have to wait until the general gets back and they'd want to take a look at the sort of training you've had, but other than that it should be pretty easy." If there was too much paperwork in the process, people would bother joining--and they needed people to join ( ... )
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