Going to sleep but just saw that Yu Wo posted another part of Female Warrior, eeeee! YES. I was trying to figure out how to get my hands on this since she's only published so few volumes of it. Cannot wait to read this part, and I can't wait to read the rest too. I wonder if she's done posting teasers for volume 8 of LSK (we got a total of 4
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Comments 3
my mental image of Grisia calling/begging while chasing someone(like in your fanfic, when trying Storm not to tell the pope) is pretty much the same as the one of the first Sun in the comic you linked
wow, I looked at the cover before continuing to read, I was like
'Wicked...?....... not Wicked, dark elves are supposed to have red eyes........ .... ... who the...?'
then I finished reading, wow, never expected sunshine to look like this either, though it kind of makes sense, still, he looks rather... mischievous, with that look...
are the links to the other covers? I'd like to see how the other three are pictured.
Yu Wo seems like a fun person, if she is like she comments, I think I'd get along with her
Oh, really? Hehe, 1st generation Sun seems like he'd do that a lot, begging and imploring... with puppy eyes.
The way Sunshine is drawn on this cover makes me think of Sun more than 1/2 Prince characters. He looks very confident and maybe even a little overbearing.
Here are the covers of the other volumes.
Volume 1 (Prince)
Volume 2 (Gui)
Volume 3 (Wicked) Yu Wo didn't know this was being released already, so she never posted a heads up about it.
I though of Neo rather than Grisia, but probably mostly because that's not the kind of face we tend to see on Grisia (since he's got to have his Sun face on) and Neo can now relax on that part... you are right, he does look it, so different from the face one would expect from someone described to be so curious and innocent, though, on the other hand, he is kind of like a prince himself
thanks for the links
oh,lol, it should be a sin to draw such bishis in such poses... lol. (ok, that was my fangirl side there...) Wicked looks so cool, and I was wrong, he did have green eyes; and his sword look cool too. that guqin looks impossibly complicated, so stylized (and rather dangerous, eyes look out...)
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