Title: Those Left Behind: This Conversation Never Happened
Day/Theme: Aug 28 This conversation never happened
Series: Bokurano
Character/Pairing: Anko and Komo's dads
Rating: PG
Notes: for
31_days. Manga canon. Spoilers up to chapter 42. Dialogue only fic! (what in the world am I thinking?)
LJ |
ffnet (
aug 28: this conversation never happened )
Comments 5
Dialogue pieces are hard. But it's beautiful, too. You managed to convey all feeling without a single describer. :)
I'm experimenting everyday~. I think I used a bit too many ellipses for pauses. It's hard to show hesitation with only dialogue. I kept wanting to throw in some description instead.
Everyone does that, honestly. XD Ellipses are abused by all. It worked, though, even with the ellipses.
And awww~ at this entire thing. D: You can just hear the horror in Anko's dad's voice here when he finds out what'll happen after. And the last sentence. DD:
I was hoping to show that Komo's dad was pretty shaken up by this conversation too. *sniff*
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