Five Acts fanfic challenge

Jan 09, 2011 00:12

So I saw cairnsy mention this... =P

Five Acts

How to play:

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in. (Sign up at the link above!)
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests ( Read more... )

fic, memes

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darkicedragon January 10 2011, 08:00:17 UTC
Sigh! Sun used a hand to clasp the collar of his cloak tighter around his neck, keeping the hood secure and up. It wouldn't help with everything else, but it made him feel better.

Why was he, the Sun Knight, chosen for this particular mission? Couldn't they have chosen someone else? Surely there was one person more qualified to do this than he was! But the Pope had been adamant that he go, stating dribble about 'no-one else finding out' and 'utter secrecy' and 'it would be faster if you were to do it'. Sun definitely agreed on the first two points, but not so much on the last one ( ... )


lucathia_rykatu January 10 2011, 09:00:07 UTC

You'll find it very, very hard to wipe this grin off my face. I can so see this happening to Sun! Hahaha, what a perfect choice for "crossdressing." At first, I thought someone mistook him for female (I completely forgot I threw crossdressing out there). The woman's reaction was perfect. Really reminded me of how everyone couldn't tell who Sun was in his dragon shirt thing (what's the name of that again? XD ) when he kept thinking everyone would be able to tell who he was right away. Oh Sun. ♥

This was so much fun to read, eeee!


darkicedragon January 12 2011, 08:08:51 UTC

I was going to possibly give him a wig, and then I remembered how ridiculously long his hair is. XDD And when I was writing about the dress, I thought back to the manhua and went, 'Waaaait, his regular stuff is rather flowing and dress-like too, isn't it? ... Trousers. He wears trousers under them, right??'

I kept skipping over 'crossdressing' somehow (I think because there isn't an un-bolded line between it and 'mistaken identity', so I kept thinking there was only four acts.

I completely mistook Sun's identity when he was wearing the Dragon’s Saint Brigandine in the manhua. XDD *facepalm* And then there's the side story with Georgo and Grisia! Eeeeeeee!

Ooooo, there's a 'Moon' Knight too? Kinda surprising they aren't the leader, so then it's the Sun and Moon opposite each other. But Judgement does also make sense. :3


lucathia_rykatu January 13 2011, 00:42:23 UTC
Haha, yeah, I don't think Sun needs a wig at all to crossdress, and his clothes are quite flowing (but I do think he wears trousers underneath them?). XDD Many of the other knights seem to have very long hair too. How do they keep it out of the way when they're fighting? XD

Ah, seems like my 4th act was too short then. =P

The Sun and the Moon... that immediately made me think of Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptor. XDDD It would have been fitting!


darkicedragon January 13 2011, 14:44:47 UTC
Lots and lots of practice! and magic

XD Naaah.



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