1. Looking out from the entrance of a captured Pill-Box on to the shell ravaged battlefield.
2. Жнец смерти. (Death the Reaper.)
3. Clearing the Heights of enemy snipers, Nalin.
4. Australian Light Horsemen acting as Infrantrymen.
5. Australian Light Horsement taking part in the fight for the Heights of Nalin.
6. Australian Light Horse Machine Gunners in action amongst the Judaean Hills.
7. Battle scarred sentinels.
8. The dawn of Passchendale. The Relay Station near Zonnebeke Station.
9. Сцена в окопах. (Scene in the trenches.)
10. Chateau Wood near Ypres.
11. Hell-Fire Corner. Showing the difficulty of transport along an exposed highway.
12. Контратака. (A wave of Infantry going over the top to resist a counter attack, Zonnebeke.)
13. Knocked out of action. This picture gives a fine idea of a shell-torn ground.
14. Carrying in the wounded during the height of battle.
15. Во время газовой атаки. (During a gas attack. Funk holes in the trenches.)
16. The Price of Victory. German dead strewing the conquered battlefield.
17. Camouflaged German Pill-bpxes in the Wood of Nonne Bosschen.
18. Брошенные танки. ( Derelict tanks knocked out of action by an enemy tank strafing gun.)
19. По вражеским самолётам из ружья Льюиса. (Sniping enemy planes with a Lewis gun.)
20. Взрыва шрапнели между аэропланами. (Shrapnel bursting amongst reconnoitering planes..)
21. Вечер в разрушенном Ипре. (Evening in the ruined City of Ypres.)
22. Passchendale.
23. A flight of bombing planes, 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine.
24. A machine descending to the Hangars of the 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine.
25. Machines returning to the Hangars.
26. An Historic Battlefield section of the Ypres salient.
27. Aerial photograph showing the Turkish defences of Jerusalem.
28. Воздушный шар над руинами Ипра. (An observation balloon over the ruins of Ypres.)
29. Brought down in flames.
30. 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine.
31. Jerusalem from an aeroplane.
32. An episode after the Battle of Zonnebeke.
33. Reminiscences of Home - "Aussies" chaff-making in Flanders.
34. Подготовка 18 пушек батареи. (A battery of 18 pounders cleaning up preparatory to going into line.)
35. Разгрузка 15-дюймовых снарядов для гаубицы. ( Unloading 15 inch Howitzer shells.)
36. 54 Battery Australian Siege Artillery in Action.
37. "Час икс". 6-дюймовая гаубица. ("Zero Hour" - Study of a 6in. Howitzer operating on a barrage.)
38. "Покоритель". Гаубица на линии Гинденбурга. ("The Subjugator." A mighty Howitzer pounding away at the Hindenburg line.)
39. Registering up a battery of Australian "Heavies".
40. Гаубица 55-ой австралийской артиллерии. (A Howitzer of the 55th Australian Siege Artillery in its lair.)
41. "В окружении невидимой смерти". Австралийские артиллеристы во время газовой атаки. (Surrounded by invisible death.)
42. A well concealed Australian Heavy in action.
43. Hauling up an 18 pounder across captured ground to an advanced position.
44. Батарея шестидюймовых гаубиц. (A battery of six inch Howitzers in action.)
45. Australian Pioneers salving a 4.5 Howitzer.
46. Derelict tanks knocked out of action by an enemy tank strafing gun.
47. Готовность к газовой атаке. (During a gas attack. Funk holes in the trenches.)
48. Король сувениров Барни Хайнс.