To Fic or Not to Fic?

Jun 17, 2008 23:22

Looks more like not for me. There has just been so much crap going on these past months (which I won't divest here) that I just can't find the inspiration to write much of anything. So some things I have to turn loose.

Sky/Z for 30_kisses is one. I just submitted the drop request. It currently stands at 9 completed ficlets, and unfortunately that's where ( Read more... )

fanfic, writing

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Comments 7

becky_black June 18 2008, 06:10:04 UTC
Sometimes you have to let some things go and use what time you do have concentrating on just a few, or you'll never get anything done.

** icon twin! ** :D


lttledvl_writes June 18 2008, 06:13:48 UTC
True. My life used to less baskety-case than it was. *sigh*

See a Murdock, get a Murdock. *g*


welleg_fic June 18 2008, 12:03:33 UTC
I had to drop my 30_kisses claim too. When it comes to PR my muse is just dead.


lttledvl_writes June 18 2008, 23:02:46 UTC
My muse is still kicking around once in a while, but she's being drowned out by wads of other crap.

And it's not just PR for me, but any fandom.


shurimon June 18 2008, 14:08:56 UTC
I feel you. I'm thinking about dropping 30_ways myself; 30 fics was probably too ambitious for my first challenge, and while I still love Bridge/Sky and it's still my OTP of OTPs, now that I've branched out from writing them exclusively it's hard to go back to that. I'll be keeping a_to_z_prompts because there's no time limit on that, and having signed up for Sky-centric fic I have a lot more wiggle room.


lttledvl_writes June 18 2008, 23:04:48 UTC
I like the challenges, but right now I just can't focus enough to get things done. Especially if it's a timed one.


shurimon June 18 2008, 23:12:32 UTC
Mmhmm. I have a bunch of fics started for 30_ways, but I for the life of me can't finish them. It was fun while it lasted, though.


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