Bring back the 80s!

Apr 13, 2008 16:38

I know a lot of you out there in flist land are a bit...ahem...young to remember the 80s very well, but I have to pass this along.

It's an 80s FicPic-aloozaIt is open to all fandoms that were around or originated from 1980-1989. It also could have originated in the 70s, but if it was around during the 80s, it’s fair game ( Read more... )

pimpage, fandom

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Comments 1

dragovianknight April 13 2008, 23:26:21 UTC
I'm permanently insane over there, so I've never had to do this, but apparently you can log in via OpenID with your LJ username and password, and you'll be identified as I think there's even a way to set up OpenID to allow icons and email notifications. (I'd be more help if I ever paid attention when folks posted helpful information about these things.)


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