Otay; I haz found new fandom. Hee!

Mar 05, 2008 21:22

Title: For The Birds
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: A-Team
Pairing: Murdock/Face (non-slashy)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, I just like to romp them through my own personal playground. ; )
Summary: Face must hate having to room with Murdock all the time...
Word count: 565

Everyone should have a hobby )

fanfic, a-team

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Comments 8

iamradar March 6 2008, 03:00:23 UTC
Tee hee! What a cute story! I like it very much. :)

(I think the fanfic bunnies are starting to breed! :p)


lttledvl_writes March 6 2008, 03:03:21 UTC
Thanks! I wrote it while at work.

Those bunnies attack at the strangest of times. Hee!


scifislasher March 6 2008, 10:41:13 UTC
*grins* I love those last two lines. Poor Face. :D


lttledvl_writes March 6 2008, 23:58:04 UTC
Oh yah. You have to feel for Face sometimes. Although he probably winds up bunking with Murdock for good reason.

BA would kill him. Lol!


itsbuttery March 6 2008, 13:10:56 UTC
God, that was awesome. XD


lttledvl_writes March 6 2008, 23:58:17 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked!


becky_black March 7 2008, 22:04:35 UTC
Heh, one day Face will learn not to room with Murdock (or he'll remember to bring earplugs on a mission.) Fun stuff, very much "them".


lttledvl_writes March 7 2008, 23:49:38 UTC
I think earplugs are the way to go. Since it's very doubtful Murdock will room with BA on a regular basis. Doing so would nearly ensure that the team no longer has a pilot.


Hannibal will find Murdock all trussed up come morning. hee!


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