Your fic pet peeves

Dec 26, 2007 17:09

Just cuz I'm in another weird contemplative mood.
lord, the things I come up with while I'm at work *shakes head*

Not going to do an actual poll, because I know I could not list every single eye-sporking possiblity. Instead I'll give a short list of few plot devices that make me *headdesk* frequently.

- long-lost, twin sibling
(this could be a ( Read more... )

fandom, random

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Comments 34

kikos_ai December 26 2007, 22:52:42 UTC
- one Ranger discovers that a fellow teammate is actually his/her sibling

They were actually considering that with Bridge and Sky in the show, although I don't know where the hell they could have shoved that in 32 almost makes me want someone to write that...


lttledvl_writes December 26 2007, 23:42:00 UTC
Yah, I heard about that. And there are parts where one could actually see that. Perhaps that's where the nickname 'Bridgey' originated from? Nickname for her - would Bridge be her little bro or older brother? I forget which of the two of them were supposed to be older.
of course the age thing got shot to hell a couple of times during the show, since the writers couldn't seem to make up their minds

it almost makes me want someone to write that...

go write right ahead!


kikos_ai December 27 2007, 00:21:10 UTC
Ah it was Sky and Bridge, not Syd. I think Syd just likes giving pet names to people. :D


lttledvl_writes December 27 2007, 00:52:12 UTC
D'oh! My bad! Brain mis-fire. I knew it was a name with an S and a Y in it, at any rate. lol!

i blame my faulty neural wiring on lack of caffeine/nicotine/chocolate/alcohol/water/oranyothersubstancethatImaythinkofbutwillfailtolist


ruinrunner82 December 26 2007, 23:26:45 UTC
Alas, my experience in the Ranger fandom is limited, but I can say that the long-lost twin/Mary-Sue irks the hell out of me. I read a lot of NCIS fics, and one of the main characters died in the second season. I cannot tell you how many bad I'm-her-twin-and-all-the-guys-want-me-because-I-look-like-her fics there are out there. Basically, it's an excuse for the writer to serve out her fantasies of being a total whore. lol


lttledvl_writes December 26 2007, 23:45:58 UTC
Basically, it's an excuse for the writer to serve out her fantasies of being a total whore.

I do believe that applies to all fandoms, book, TV or movie. Somewhere out there is at least one horribly bad fic with MarySue twin humping all the main characters in sight. Sometimes it may even be a JohnnySue (? is that the right term ?).

I don't mind a touch of MarySueing provided the character adds something worthwhile to the story and its there just to get her/his jollies off. Or a crack fic. Purposeful cracky MarySues I can dig. ;P


lttledvl_writes December 26 2007, 23:47:04 UTC
that should be "its *not* there to get jollies off"

gah - bloody typos.


ruinrunner82 December 27 2007, 05:43:37 UTC
Lol. Yeah, as long as the Sue serves a purpose I can handle it. But I'm very critical of a Sue fic, just because I get tired of all the bad stuff. I've seen way too many that are just in the story to sleep with the character or characters of choice.


shurimon December 27 2007, 00:34:40 UTC
- one Ranger discovers that a fellow teammate is actually his/her sibling

Hee! Reminds me of the time I was discussing PR somewhere on Journalfen, and someone mentioned that when they were watching in Space when it first aired, they 'shipped two certain characters before it was revealed that they were related and were all "... well, shit".

Anyhoo. I agree with all of the above, and here's some more.

-Forcing characters who aren't really all that angsty into emo-wangsty-cutter mode. I know everybody gets depressed at times, it's a fact of life, but GOOD GRIEF, cutting isn't the only way to deal with it, and certainly not how, say, Bridge would. (For the record, I know Bridge is the fandom's woobie and I myself am guilty of beating him up, but there are good ways to do angst, and that ain't one of them ( ... )


lttledvl_writes December 27 2007, 01:01:21 UTC
Hah! I totally laughed my ass off at this! See, I knew there was no way I could list everything and I knew there were things I myself dislike but was forgetting.

-Feminization of men in slash. Gay men are still men, folks. Not all of them are flamboyant and femmy.

Omg, yes! I once stumbled upon a Bridge/Sky fic with Bridge doing *exactly*. I left a review saying 'uh, Bridge is still a guy, ya know' and the response 'What do you mean he's too girly?' *facepalm*

I thought of one to add when thinking about AU's
- crossovers where it is clear the author knows jack-n-shit about the series they're crossing with.
Much like trying to shove B-Squad into Stargate. I think I found a few crossovers where a few basic things were wacky that are basic in canon details. Sorry, but you need to watch more than 2 eps to get a grasp of the canon, ya know?


shurimon December 27 2007, 02:21:29 UTC
Omg, yes! I once stumbled upon a Bridge/Sky fic with Bridge doing *exactly*. I left a review saying 'uh, Bridge is still a guy, ya know' and the response 'What do you mean he's too girly?' *facepalm*

I know this is a thing that annoys a lot of slash readers and writers, yet people still keep it up. There's nothing wrong with having a partner who, say, initiates the sex or does most of the holding and cuddling, but that's the stuff that mostly takes places in their bedrooms by themselves, not out in public and amongst their peers. Being in love doesn't suddenly make men... well, women. *g*

Sorry, but you need to watch more than 2 eps to get a grasp of the canon, ya know?

Yeah, and I don't understand why someone would even WANT to write crossovers without knowing each fandom pretty well. I guess it's because a lot of crossovers by my experience are done for the LOL THIS IZ RADNOM & FUNEE LOL factor. IMO crossovers are nigh-on impossible to do well, and not knowing one canon pretty intimately just hinders it.


rivulet027 December 27 2007, 03:05:31 UTC
-Feminization of men in slash. Gay men are still men, folks. Not all of them are flamboyant and femmy.

I so agree...if you need a char that fills that role do your x-over research, learn the cannon and then pull Alex or Em from their respective versions of QaF and be done with it.

I think that part of the reason I'm not writing a lot of PR is I still feel I have a lot to learn about the cannon...there is so much of it. I always worry I'm writing something or someone incorrectly. But then I'm a stickler for trying to get the cannon right unless it is an AU.

At times the PR cannon really freaks me out and I have that moment of panic where I go 'this just doesn't work', but then I remind myself that I've survived writing in the x-men fandom so I can handle it.


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