I can have fic?

Mar 24, 2008 13:05

Now that the worky bit is done, I've got some stuff hanging out in the notebook(s) that I'm planning to type up.

Hopefully it'll kick the muse's butt awake. *grumbles*

The one thing I noticed about my side job is that editing is really *not* conducive to writing. Especially with certain stories. Good Lord. It boggles me that this/these were submitted for eventual publication. I've seen better grammar skills in fanfic. Not to be dissin' fanfics, mind you. Just saying that one would think a 'professional author', one who has published before, would have more skill than that. At least I feel like I'm earning my pay. ;p

After spending days slogging through such stuff, it leaves me with no desire to want to do anything remotely associated with stories. Either reading or writing it. (hello tv veg time!) But now that they're sent off to my boss, hopefully I can do something worthwhile fic wise. I've been meaning to get this backlog typed up anyway...


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