Silence in Snow

Jan 08, 2011 19:27

Who: Sephiroth, Vega (?) [Open to any Jenova interference, Open to any NPC-age of other people]
When: During the snowfall
Location: Nr Fort Condor, far enough outside of Junon.
Rating: PG (will amend if needed)
Summary: Having scattered after the first, failed raid on Junon, Sephiroth and a handful of followers can only bunker down within small set of caves nearer to Fort Condor than Junon as the snow swept over them.

Reinforcements had been sent for but it might take a few days for them to sneak from Junon's harbor to these caves. Within themselves the small force huddled around small fires, tended wounds and all in all shivered when the temperatures plummeted. Sephiroth didn't feel the cold as keenly as his mortal inferiors but like them when he breathed his breath still generated the same fog. Stood nearest to the entrance of the cave Sephiroth felt it his duty to stand and guard in case they had been followed.

Snowflakes in varying sizes danced around in the air continuously, the snow made for poorer visibility outside than he would have liked. The wind that carried them rippled leather behind him at his knees, played whiteness through his thinner, more lightweight strands of silver hair. Bit at the end of his nose and the tops of his ears. There was only one other place in the world that it snowed like this, the Northern Continent. He recalled the earthquake there as he had stirred in his crystalline cocoon, his pre-emptive reunion that had spurred his existence this time. Sephiroth had not had any time to ponder the answers to the questions he'd had when he'd become conscious. Like why and how. 

*chapter six, ~jenova, !open, sephiroth, elena

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