the (totally unofficial) LJ Idol summer gift exchange

Jun 24, 2014 11:20

What is it? A small postal gift exchange, done Secret Santa style! You sign up here, I match you with another person, and you send and receive goodies in the mail.

Why? Because getting nice stuff in the mail is a pleasant experience. Because sending surprise gifts to other people is fun. Because it's a fun way to build connections in the community ( Read more... )

loooooot, mail is neat, unofficial gift exchange, ljidol

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Comments 25

roina_arwen June 24 2014, 18:13:23 UTC

Re this: And if there's an uneven number of people or the math otherwise doesn't work out, I'll take up the slack. --I don't think it matters if there's an uneven number - everyone should be partnered.

Let's just say there are 5 people who sign up and partner them quick and dirty:
A sends to B
B sends to C
C sends to D
D sends to E
E sends to A

So it won't matter if it is an uneven number, see?

I'm going to go send off an email ASAP!


lrig_rorrim June 24 2014, 18:21:05 UTC
Oh, I know it doesn't have to be an even number of people to work - but depending on other restrictions (overseas shipping) or people committing and then withdrawing, people could get left out. My promise is basically "nobody is going to be left out. You'll get a thing in the mail, if you sign up and send a thing in the mail."

(I think of these things 'cause I've organized gift exchanges before. There have been a surprising number of "oh, sorry, I'm in the middle of moving suddenly and can't do this!" or "I totally forgot and now can't afford it" moments. Hopefully none of that will happen this time 'round though!)


roina_arwen June 24 2014, 18:49:03 UTC
Ah yes - that does make sense! :)


jem0000000 June 24 2014, 19:04:31 UTC
Oooo. I think, if it's okay, I will wait until the next one, because I need to see if I can use someone else's address -- because the post office has lost or sent back three or four things in a row now, and I don't want to have them lose/send back another thing. That, or maybe I should go and take out a PO Box in the next postal district over, but I don't know if you're actually allowed to do that.


lrig_rorrim June 24 2014, 20:10:39 UTC
Aw, postal shenanigans! I'm sorry your mail isn't getting to you. I'm pretty sure you can get a PO Box just about anywhere. If you manage to get something sorted before next Tuesday...


jem0000000 June 25 2014, 04:26:21 UTC
It's not likely, with the trip this weekend, but I'll sign up if I do. :) I've still got to turn "idea" into "entry", do my workshop concrit, and finish packing, though, and tomorrow there are errands to run.

The worst part is, we actually *have* a post office box, because when we couldn't seem to reliably get mail at the house, we bought a box thinking it would fix it -- and for a little while, it did, and now we're having the same trouble with the box as we did at the house. (Thus the reason I'm thinking of trying the next postal district over!)


rswndrlst June 24 2014, 21:37:45 UTC
Yay an excuse to use my sealing wax!

Email sent.


lrig_rorrim June 24 2014, 23:21:04 UTC
:) Hooray for sealing wax!


eska818 June 24 2014, 22:03:48 UTC
oh my god, I love stuff like this so much. I'm such a snail mail nerd! -signing up-


lrig_rorrim June 24 2014, 23:21:17 UTC
:) Yay!


adoptedwriter June 24 2014, 22:50:36 UTC
Count me in. I loves me some Xmas in July kinda fun! AW


lrig_rorrim June 24 2014, 23:22:13 UTC
Awesome, I look forward to getting your email!


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