My brain and tongue just met, and they ain't friends just yet.

Jan 20, 2009 16:41

Okay, so one thing I'm wondering, cruising about the net, and hurr, apologies for the multiple posts within the hour. I'm waiting for dishes to soak. Bear with me.

So, anyway, the wondering thing.

Where the fuck are all the Entourage fans?Seriously! They just do NOT exist on the net! I thought this show was pretty damn hot, on HBO and everything ( Read more... )

vince is pretty, kevin connolley, adrian grenier is pretty, ari motherfucking gold, jeremy motherfucking piven, entourage, eric murphy, e, vincent chase

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Comments 6

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lp_drumline7 January 21 2009, 05:20:14 UTC
Yeah, me neither - I don't even have, like, MTV or Nickelodeon, never mind HBO XD I've just started watching it, though, and then I wrote a fic, started on another one... but there's literally THREE fics on the site. Not that is good, but just SHOCKING was all o_O

Oh, God, I read that XD What's up so far. And normally crossovers make me kind of want to die a little inside, but it's written so damn well.


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lp_drumline7 January 21 2009, 05:32:59 UTC
hahaha! Aww, that actually sounds like a really good plot, I would have liked to read that XD But yeah, most crossovers are... horrifying. I can count on one hand the good ones I've read. I was just talking about a SPN/Iron Man crossover last night with my friend, now THAT would be interesting.


harbek January 21 2009, 06:53:26 UTC
I've only heard of it because Jeremy Piven dropped out of Speed-The-Plow with a bullshit excuse, and now everyone including NPH is mocking him, but it led to Norbert Leo Butz and Raul Esparza being the two male leads so that's fine in my book, really.


lp_drumline7 January 21 2009, 22:57:04 UTC
Oooh, yeah yeah yeah, I heard about that. I don't know, I hadn't even heard of Jeremy Piven until I started watching the show. To be honest, the only main that I'd recognized from something before the show was Adrian Grenier. And apparently Kevin Connolly, who was in The Notebook.

..Is that a Mr. NPH as Mark Cohen?


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