Friends Only...

Feb 22, 2011 20:20

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Comments 158

xxlyljennixx April 16 2005, 15:28:01 UTC
yay! another LI person for meeeeee!

names jen, 18, nassau. . .bla bla bla



lozzy April 23 2005, 17:28:22 UTC
I'll add you to my friends list now if that's ok, and you can add me back if you want! :)


flyingpigs_live May 12 2005, 19:40:51 UTC
you don't know me, but i found your LJ on after i read your DH fic. well, fellow Long Islander and Desperate Housewives fan, wanna friend me?? ;)


lozzy May 20 2005, 22:32:06 UTC
Sure, I'll add you now! :) Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!


pretty_sunshine May 15 2005, 21:25:02 UTC
Hi, I saw the post in the Desperate Housewives community where you had the unaired pilot, but the yousendit link was expired. Is there anyway you could upload it again or send it to me?


lozzy May 20 2005, 22:33:28 UTC
It takes a really long time! Do you have LimeWire? Because it's on there. If not, I can try to upload it agin over this weekend, but last time it cut off mid-way through and the same thing happened when I tried to send it through AIM, but I can try again if you can't get it off of LimeWire.


aristea May 17 2005, 17:28:54 UTC
Hy i am from Germany and i would like to know how many seasons did you see of the desperate housewives? We are on the first, like the 5th episode or something! Look to hearing from you soon!



lozzy May 20 2005, 22:34:12 UTC
Ooh Germany, that's cool! My sister takes German in school. I take French though so I don't really know any German! We're also on the first season, but this week is the 23rd episode. :)


aristea May 22 2005, 20:11:42 UTC
German is difficult i think, it is not like other languages! I took french and spanish in school! and english of course, i had no choice +lol+ Do you mind if we write emails?

My adress:


thats_my_story November 28 2006, 01:27:35 UTC

Woot for the germany pride man.


xreadytoignite August 2 2005, 01:42:52 UTC
Hey its Nick. I don't use livejournal but its my name on here. I don't know how to add you on GJ so add me on here lol...I'll try to figure out how to add you on there.


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