Tim Omundson in the latest Psych-out is one of the best things I have ever seen. In other news, I made icons. I call it the 'worried Shawn' set, since it primarily features a very worried looking Shawn (redundancy abounds!) It also features Lassiter, Gus and Jules. All shots are from the latest episode
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Comments 30
Juliet looks so lovely in 11, and I love 14 and Lassiter's smile. 16 is also nice, and yay for the capturing of Juliet and Lassiter in 12. Plus alsfalsfj; them sitting so close in 7, and just, 8 and 9 glee. These make me want to splurge for a paid account when I get back from traveling simply for icon space. *facepalm* Hopefully other people will give them the excellent homes they deserve.
The end result of my overflowing Psych love was that I spent my entire plane ride and the wait before it writing and planning out Psych fic. That means I have five wips, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to finish at least one more in the next week. And I think it's probably going to be as long or longer than my last posted one. D: Oh, show, why must you be so inspiring?
I wrote the end to Lassiter-psychic fic, but I still need to write all of the middle part. Why is he so difficult to write? Whyyyy?
How is your Lassiter pov story coming along?
I took 14. For better mental health.
Kudos to you! Summer finale yay!
I know when I am obsessed with a show when I start to make icons for other people. And also, when the very first thing I do after seeing the first episode is make an icon, which is what happened here.
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