Title: The Dissolution of Truth Fandom: Life on Mars Rating: G Word Count: 900 words Notes: It’s not exactly slash, but if it were, it’d be Sam/Gene. Summary: They talk a lot but say very little.
This is a really beautiful piece, and I just wanted to let you know that I loved it, especially the poignancy of the last two lines. Sam's 'truth' is very hard to admit to without having to twist it, and I guess that all he can rely on is his personality to get him through, I think you touched on that wonderfully.
I love this-it reads true to me, the insistent barrier between men, and Gene's attempt to charge through it by being painfully honest. It's not a reading of Sam/Gene that I'd come up with on my own, but you convince me of it anyway. I'm also happy that Sam tells the truth-even though that's the less satisfying answer. So yes, awesome, and thanks for writing!
I've always loved your Sam and Gene. You have a keen sense of what makes them interesting people. I have to admit, though I love Sam, that on the surface (Simm's expressiveness aside) he lacks color. It makes what you find in him all the more impressive. You do the same favor for everyone, but I think Sam's especially tough.
Your pacing and ear for dialogue put me in a pleasurable frenzy of despairing envy.
Comments 23
Sam's truth is still only a half-truth too, which is a convenient shield for him, and one he uses to his full advantage.
Your pacing and ear for dialogue put me in a pleasurable frenzy of despairing envy.
Powerful stuff.
It took me a while to find Sam. He does seem to pale in comparison to everyone around him, until you do some digging.
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