Title: Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Fandom: Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes
Rating: G
Word Count: 1000 words, excluding titles.
Notes: My entry into
fawsley and
elfbert's drabble challenge, which is to take a Bowie album and base drabbles on the songs contained therein. Spoilers for the final episode of Life on Mars and the premise of Ashes to Ashes.
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) )
Comments 18
Especially loved the third drabble, if only for this bit:
"Suicide doesn't deter me. I know what I'm doing. What I need to do."
"But you want my approval."
"I need it."
And the tenth of course, because Drake doesn't even get results is just so bloody true.
These are just great. Thank you.
loz you know i love you right?
Thank you!
I had to read this twice to get the full flavour of it; it's subtle and complex and oh-so-good. I love the pairing of the first and last drabbles.
And your last line is a killer. *EG*
It really helps to know the lyrics of the songs to understand quite why a few o f the drabbles are the way they are.
Thank you!
Which is, alas, one of the reasons why I was wondering if the show wasn't subtly sexist. Would a male equivalent of Alex be portrayed as being so useless?
I liked that Sam died because he wondered if he could-it's been a small part of my personal canon ever since his demise was announced. And I like that Gene decides to skip town and just *does* it-no wondering if he should, no second-guessing himself-it's so him.
He's a super creep in this particular story.
Thank you. It is a brutal album, so it made a brutal set of drabbles.
So it comes to my attention that it might not be the best idea to try and read one thing, write another, and try to maintain a conversation with two people all at once. Or at least, I should make sure that I reread the story before commenting, so that I can talk about the story that is written, and not the one that only exists in my addled brain.
I liked your story too, now that I know what it is!
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