Title: Put Away Childish Things (Part 2)
Fandom: Life on Mars
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,575 words this section. Approximately 11,500 words overall.
Notes: Sam/Gene slash, with mentions of Sam/Annie. Set after 2.08.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away
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Comments 58
*sigh* Yes, the doom. That's me, hardcore romantic.
How do you do it?
Wonderful way to spend some time on a Sunday morning. Thank you.
;) I hoped someone would mention that.
The childhood aspect of Life on Mars is a theme that's interested me for a long time, but I've never really capitalised on it before.
Thank you!
Oh and: “It’s fibre of some kind.”
“Ah, yes, but there’s the rub - what kind?”
“Well, it looks synthetic,” Sam said, unsure.
Hang on. Am I meant to believe that was an accident?! Did I mention I love you? And I even got 'enigmatic' later on, just as if I wasn't already completely overcome!
I had the scene with Oswald planned already, because I love Oswald with a kind of fervent passion I'm sure was never meant to be directed his way. And then you made that comment about 'synthetic' on "No Sweeping Exits" and I thought, "right..." :D
That was just for you. ♥
Thanks so much. I have to admit that I was feeling much the same way - that it had been done, so what was the point? But the point was that I really, really wanted to do it. That I had to prove to myself that I could write another story with plot, that I wanted to write more Sam/Gene slash, that I hadn't yet written much about the importance of childhood in Life on Mars.
This is a permutation of the long fatalistic Sam/Gene story I've been promising myself I wouldn't write since I started watching the show. (This is number 3, I think, hahaha.)
Love Gene coming to Sam's rescue, and Sam bargin into Gene's house, drunk. :)
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