[written / action]

Aug 16, 2010 12:34

[Action-wise, Hermione's probably in the library as usual, reading books. But not the usual kinds of books. Nope, this week she's working through mundane things like earth science and math. And she seems to be enjoying them. Her handbag is nowhere to be seen and she's writing on a notebook in pen, not with a quill and ink. Eventually, she opens her ( Read more... )

interesting little journal, muggles and their appliances, .neville longbottom, !text post, rubbish fairytales, au with no magic, the insufferable know-it-all, .ron weasley, !action post, well that was awkward, when in doubt go to the library, event time

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Comments 67

[Voice] hisdarkmark August 16 2010, 18:57:15 UTC
[Here Hermione, have a Draco who probably sounds a lot younger than she's used to.]

Magic rubbish? Have you completely lost your mind, Hermione?


[Voice] loyalotter August 17 2010, 17:01:56 UTC
[Younger and slightly more comfortable than normal. She remembers their pseudo-friendship, but she also remembers that he's an annoying git at times.]

You're the one losing his mind if you honestly believe I would consider dealing with something that doesn't exist.


[Voice] hisdarkmark August 17 2010, 20:24:54 UTC
[Most of the time, really. He's speaking to her even more casually than usual though is the other thing.]

I think I blame you and Harry for me losing my mind really. You haven't gone and Obliviated yourself, have you?


[Voice] loyalotter August 21 2010, 01:49:46 UTC
As though I could... do what? Obliviate?


[voice] stillatrap August 16 2010, 19:26:56 UTC
... what? Rubbish? But you're the one teaching me... [sounds deeply concerned.]


[voice] loyalotter August 17 2010, 17:06:31 UTC
[Sorry, Xion.] Why would I be teaching you something that doesn't exist? We were working on algebra.


[voice] stillatrap August 18 2010, 15:29:32 UTC
... algebra? [says it rather blankly, like he's never heard of it before.]


no_use_running August 16 2010, 21:19:06 UTC
You like math, too?


loyalotter August 17 2010, 17:06:57 UTC
Of course. It's one of the best subjects.


no_use_running August 17 2010, 21:15:41 UTC
Would you like to study together sometime?


loyalotter August 21 2010, 02:00:00 UTC
Perhaps, though I never really was much of one to study in groups. I get better results on my own.


[written] cryology August 16 2010, 22:41:52 UTC
Oh, magic may not be quite as quantifiable as some things but that hardly makes it rubbish.


[written] loyalotter August 17 2010, 17:02:44 UTC
It's a child's story. It doesn't exist.

[Denial. She has it.]


[written] cryology August 17 2010, 20:47:53 UTC
I suppose next you'll claim the Light doesn't exist either?


[written] loyalotter August 21 2010, 01:47:53 UTC
I don't even want to know what you think that is.


[Voice] wise_maiden August 16 2010, 22:43:13 UTC
[From Hermione, that just was a bizarre thing to read. But considering what seems to be going on, she just sighs a little instead.]

... Honestly.


[Voice] loyalotter August 17 2010, 17:00:34 UTC
Hm? [That's a familiar voice.]

Is something the matter?


[Voice] wise_maiden August 17 2010, 21:09:56 UTC
[Stupid book, always picking up things it shouldn't.]

... No, it's nothing. Are you all right?


[Voice] loyalotter August 21 2010, 01:48:37 UTC
I am fine. Thank you. Why shouldn't I be?


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