✪ TRAPPED! Ofuda River of Memories✪ [Video] (Backdated to early afternoon)

Aug 23, 2009 19:58

[The feed cuts in and Cube's big blue eyes are all that is seen for a split second before he pulls away, the background coming into view... as well as a scale that is currently resting upon his head. The lighting isn't too bright, but it's clear the room he's in is smaller than most.]




!medicine seller plot, invisible barrier is invisible, omg ofuda, scared of flying paper river, anemone, stuck in the closet, help!

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wears_a_torc August 25 2009, 12:46:18 UTC
[Back ground noise betrays the fact that Knuckles is outside, and is running.]



[After OS MS] loyal_cube August 25 2009, 22:49:57 UTC

I'm alright... I'm not... harmed.


wears_a_torc August 26 2009, 14:30:38 UTC
[The footsteps slow down, but don't stop.]

What happened?


[Locked] loyal_cube August 27 2009, 00:01:15 UTC
Someone... or something... used some kind of scolls to seal me in the closet... and...

... Knuckles-san remember when I told him about the Demon rebellion? It wasas if... I relived that night... where the Master was murdered and... I had to run away with the mistress... I...

[His voice breaks]
I couldn't do anything else... the man... who showed me my memories... he seemed lost... he asked me what I was... I said a demon servant... he seemed to disagree... he called me a "guardian" but...

I... I feel ... like I should have done more... somehow...


[Locked] wears_a_torc August 27 2009, 07:17:58 UTC
Scrolls? That must have been why Ty Lee was worried when she heard my post.

Cube... [Now the foot steps stop]

Sometimes...you just have to save what you can.

You guarded your mistress didn't you?


[Locked] loyal_cube August 27 2009, 23:49:48 UTC
Did the scrolls come for Knuckles-san too?

I Saved her. It was all I could do at that point. I wouldn't save the master or the mistress... just the young mistress...

I wonder if I did what was best for her or... if I just did what was best for the world.


[Locked] I don't have enough sympathetic Icons wears_a_torc August 28 2009, 06:47:25 UTC
No, just those weird little dancing things that were at the hospital for a while.

I'm sure that's what they would have wanted you do to.

Sometimes they're the same thing. And even if they weren't how do you think she would have felt, knowing her world suffered, because you done what was the best for her and her alone?


Re: [Locked] I don't have enough seriously angry ones lol loyal_cube August 28 2009, 23:19:47 UTC
The Scales? They were everywhere for a while.... Then, when he left, they left too... but the being I met didn't feel like the same person as Medicine Seller-san...

I hadn't thought of it that way... but I wonder if what she chose was what she'll be happy with, not that I would change her mind I just... I hope I helped guide her into a happy direction, rather then one of suffering and burden.


[Locked] FFFFF I thought I had replied to this!! >_< wears_a_torc August 29 2009, 17:08:00 UTC
That's what they're called? They got really annoying after a while. But it's this Medicine Seller friend of yours owns them, I knew someone did.

So this man who called you a Guardian, what was he like?


[Locked] IT OK!! *HUGS* loyal_cube August 29 2009, 17:51:39 UTC
I know Medicine Seller-san but Scale-san is really my friend... But there are a total of 7,777 Scales, I believe...

... He... he didn't feel human or even demon. His presence was like a god or... if possible, something more. He was definitely a deity or strong spirit of some kind. He had gold markings and he looked like Medicine Seller-san but he wasn't... I don't think so, not with that presence... When he spoke, it was odd... He seemed lost, despite being such a powerful being... he stated he was Summoned, which makes me wonder who was powerful enough to summon him. He mentioned his sword but... Don't people normally summon their swords into battle, not the other way around?


[Locked] YAY *Hugs back* wears_a_torc August 29 2009, 17:58:27 UTC
Well if there's a next time you can take care of them then. [/amused]

Sounds like someone had their chip out to me. People with really big powers should start warning people when they do that.

Maybe that's why he was confused, the summoning had gone wrong and the weapon didn't arrive with him? Which was probably a good thing really.


[Locked] loyal_cube August 29 2009, 18:11:03 UTC
I miss Scale-san... even if he always tilted at me... I knew he was doing the best job he could.

Really? I suppose that makes sense. I've been hearing that too... I wonder if people know how powerful they are, though. I don't think I'm very powerful... maybe my fire magic, but I think you're right. People should have someone watch over them or give a warning when they have their chips removed... to cause less confusion. Although, for safety reasons, I can understand why someone wouldn't...

No, he had the sword, it was staring at me... but he... he said... something... I'm not sure now what it was, actually. The whole thing feels like a horrible nightmare.


[Locked] wears_a_torc August 29 2009, 18:16:57 UTC
Fire magic? Maybe you should stay up by the lake when you- wait that won't work, the lake isn't safe...

Someone was talking about a safehouse for people to stay at when having their chips removed, seemed like a good idea to me.

I stayed in the woods myself.

Well at least it's over now. And maybe we'll actually get lucky and won't have to deal with anything too supernatural for a while.

(ooc: Knuckles is getting cursed tomorrow XD)


[Locked] loyal_cube August 29 2009, 18:29:35 UTC
I have someone who has already stated he'll watch over me and those around me so nothing happens... but I don't think I'll be getting mine removed any time soon... if I do, I'll tell Knuckles-san.

That does sound like a good idea! I wouldn't mind standing by for medical reasons, either.

[He sighs] Yes... I hope nothing like this happens for a while...

(ooc: OMG! I want to knoooow~ *STALK YOU*)


[Locked] wears_a_torc August 29 2009, 18:42:16 UTC
I'd hope not with this infection going around.

[Knuckles pauses...why would Cube tell him? He didn't tell anyone.]
You don't have to...But I appreciate the thought.

Shame this place isn't known for rewarding hope.

(ooc: )


[Locked] loyal_cube August 29 2009, 18:57:59 UTC
Only person I have to hide my chip status from is Gateau, not my friends.

The reward for hope is hope itself!


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