The Man In The Long Black Coat (2/?)

May 02, 2010 16:51

Title: The Man In The Long Black Coat (2/?)
Rating: R for language and violence
Pairings: Brief Dean/Castiel, Crowley/Aziraphale, mentions of Crowley/Crowley
Word Count: 5632
Warnings: Violence, some language, probably blasphemous concepts
Author’s Note: A triple crossover between Supernatural, Good Omens, and the Lucifer comics by Mike Carey. Set ( Read more... )

slash, fic, aziraphale, other angels, crowley, lucifer, crossover, aziraphale/crowley, crossover:supernatural

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Comments 8

lettergirlmj May 2 2010, 15:54:46 UTC
Can you put this under a cut please?


gestalt1 May 2 2010, 16:00:41 UTC
Got it, sorry about that.


vulgarweed May 3 2010, 01:37:42 UTC
Ooooooooo, I'm really enjoying the rich complexity of this. GO/SPN crossovers are challenging enough, to get the tone right, and bringing Mike Carey's Lucifer into It's quite a task you've set for yourself and you're doing it so well. I love the very rich backstory that keeps getting hinted at so evocatively - Azazel being one of the angels who fell for lust for human women and fathering the Nephilim is a fantastic detail to use. I think sometimes the SPN writers just drop myth references kind of at random and don't use the implications to their full potential.

I love the interactions here too - Castiel's coldness and discomfort to Aziraphale, the fraught relationship between Crowley and Crowley. (heee! Yes, it is irresistible. Oh, someone must have written some smut somewhere, y/y?)

when Crowley was hanging around Germany making sure no-one had figured out how to use the Spear of Destiny,

AHAHAHAH I wrote that once. XD

I'm really looking forward to more of this.


gestalt1 May 3 2010, 07:35:27 UTC
Thanks for the feedback, long comments are awesome.

I agree, it's been especially bugging me since 5x19 that they aren't going as deep as they could into the mythology of things. And one of the things I love about the Lucifer series is that you do get this sense of background.

Someone really ought to have written some Crowley/Crowley. To be honest I can't get enough of SPN!Crowley since last weeks' episode. He's just so very amazing. (Maybe if no-one's written it by the time I finish this, I'll just have to do it myself...)

Lol, yes, that line totally was a throwback to that one GO_exchange fic. That was yours was it? Hope you don't mind me referencing it? :3

Thank goodness the exams are over, is all I can say re: writing.


vulgarweed May 3 2010, 20:25:28 UTC
You're welcome.

I actually found 5x19 extremely offensive in the cultural-appropriation sense, the way such disrespect was shown to gods from religions that lots of people really practice and believe in. Not that Christian cosmology in the show is exactly orthodox either, but at least the writers know their own culture. (No, having obviously read American Gods is not sufficient research!)

SPN!Crowley has quickly become one of my favorite characters. Alas, that probably means he'll be killed off soon. Get that smut in while you can! :D

Hee, yeah, that one was mine. Hell no I don't mind a reference. I didn't know if you'd read it or not, it's certainly the kind of idea that lots of people could have hit on independently.

I'm glad your exams are over too, because I want more!


gestalt1 May 3 2010, 20:35:25 UTC
I've heard this from a lot of people's reviews, yeah. Those two writers (I forget the names) seem to be pretty hit and miss; Dark Side of the Moon was very good, but Yellow Fever was kind of awful, so...

I don't want him to die!!! Stop killing everyone Kripke, dammit. I hope he comes back in Season 6 along with a resurected Loki!Gabriel to be fun and snarky. Not that that's gonna happen, but I can wish...


subsequent May 3 2010, 06:22:16 UTC
Progressing nicely! :D

Psst, "It is helped a little but the slight stabilising effect of Aziraphale’s own presence" - did you mean 'by'? :)


gestalt1 May 3 2010, 07:30:52 UTC
Ah, yes, thanks for catching that. :)


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