You’ve done the impossible, you've managed to cross Harry potter with something and I didn't immediately press the back button. This might have something to do with brevity, but still, spiffy. Looking forward to more.
Oh, this is great so far! What a blast seeing all this through Bridget's eyes. (Little Whinging too, hee!)
You know, I'd imagine Madame Tracy would probably have a lot of well-meaning advice should the two of them ever manage to have some conversation away from the nipple freak.
I'd imagine Madame Tracy would probably have a lot of well-meaning advice should the two of them ever manage to have some conversation away from the nipple freak.
Hahahaha. I can just imagine Bridget's face when told Madam Tracy's surefire tips for getting and keeping a man. Envisions that step 1 would probably be something like 'always have a tin of condenced milk waiting for him'.
*dies* I wasn't sure about this at all, but I gave it a chance... and it is brilliant. Especially with the Bridget voice, which is not a parody of itself. And the way everything is totally right for the characters.
(Plus, yay, a crossover with someone other than Crowley and Aziraphale.)
I've got part 2 up. It has Crowley and v. obscure characters (because I thought that the other four motorcyclists of the apocalyse need fic-time too). /gratuitous self pimping
Comments 38
You know, I'd imagine Madame Tracy would probably have a lot of well-meaning advice should the two of them ever manage to have some conversation away from the nipple freak.
I'd imagine Madame Tracy would probably have a lot of well-meaning advice should the two of them ever manage to have some conversation away from the nipple freak.
Hahahaha. I can just imagine Bridget's face when told Madam Tracy's surefire tips for getting and keeping a man. Envisions that step 1 would probably be something like 'always have a tin of condenced milk waiting for him'.
(Plus, yay, a crossover with someone other than Crowley and Aziraphale.)
(Plus, yay, a crossover with someone other than Crowley and Aziraphale.)
Well, Crowley and Aziraphale will be making an appearance in the next installment, though they'll also be few more GO characters.
(The point is, you've got the obscure characters. *amused* Most people just have A&C and/or The Them.)
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