"Surprise Caller": a drabble

Oct 04, 2005 17:45

Yes, they ARE addictive...

Title: Surprise Caller
Rating: PG
Words: 100 (minus title)
Summary:  At least it wasn't a telemarketer on the line...

The phone was ringing. Crowley didn't even pull his head from the covers to answer it. "H'lo… sleepin'... nothin’...  yeah, sleep naked, whaddaboudit…"

His eyes opened in surprise. "Do I wanna what? Hey, nobody wakes me up to pant obscenities into my ear, unless they’re sleeping right next to me and equally naked, understand?"

He slammed the phone down, and promptly went back to sleep.

Twenty minutes later he was awakened by knocking at his door.

He grumblingly answered it to find a blushing Aziraphale.

The angel smiled and said, "I didn't bring pajamas." Then he kissed the stunned demon.

slash, crowley, drabble, aziraphale/crowley, fic, aziraphale

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