
Jan 14, 2006 14:13


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Comments 12

anonymous January 14 2006, 21:04:36 UTC
Both of these pictures are incomplete. The one on the right is a caracature of some of the worst examples of right-wing God and Countryism (which I dislike as well, but also believe is relatively rare), but the one on the right is a prooftexted view of what Jesus said as well (in some of the instances). For instance, Jesus ended in John 8:10 with the words "from now on, sin no more" to the adulterous woman.

His comments regarding what goes into a man were in the context of the religious dietary laws (not alcohol and drugs). On the other hand, many Christians condemn drinking, which isn't condemned in scripture (although those under 21 should heed scripture's warning regarding obeying the laws of the land). Scripture explicitely states "do not get drunk on wine, but be filled with the Spirit" - all God's gifts are to be enjoyed (and Jesus enjoyed them) in the right time, place, and measure. We are not given license to drink ourselves blind, for instance.

I dislike the left-right dichotomy, which divides the church.



anonymous January 14 2006, 21:11:45 UTC
And I'm not going to even touch the snarky statements regarding abortion. :-)

All kidding aside, I would love consistency in left-wing Christianity (as in right-wing Christianity - in fact I'd like us just to get to "Christianity" and drop the political contexts, but that's just em :-). Because Jesus didn't explicitely condemn abortion doesn't mean abortion is OK. There's hardly an example I can think of of men taking things that belong in God's hands into their own than the taking of unborn life in abortion. To be against, for instance, capital punishment but be for abortion requires a seriously skewed view of the value of life and the power to take life. I can respect (greatly!) those who hold to a seamless view of life and are, therefore, against both capital punishment and abortion. But to take the general liberal view seems very much against what scripture teaches.



anonymous January 14 2006, 21:12:52 UTC
"but that's just em" should be "but that's just me"


and sorry for carpet-bombing you with comments. Hope we're still friends.



allpurposekevin January 15 2006, 01:31:12 UTC
steven...sorry to be blunt here...but please accept the fact that we're not all going to think the same as you and your buddies in regards to politics. all your posts on how liberals are right and conservatives are all wrong do absolutely nothing and they just tend get people angry with you. christianity should be above politics, and i dont understand why there needs to be all this bickering going on. laugh at me if you will, but one day you need to grow up.


lovethelogos January 15 2006, 04:20:41 UTC
kevin, please shut the hell up.

don't comment on these posts.




lovethelogos January 15 2006, 04:20:56 UTC
and I do mean please.


scottiecarp January 15 2006, 05:42:39 UTC
kevin was simply voicing his opinion on a topic that both you and he are passionate about, and voicing an opinion is something you are definitely familiar with steven. i don't understand how you can throw your opinion around so voraciously, yet insult and disrespect kevin for giving you his. we're brothers in Christ, man.

galations 4:10(the message)

10And if one falls down, the other helps,

But if there's no one to help, tough!


212tomilam January 16 2006, 07:46:58 UTC
Absolutely ridiculous guys. I am amazed.


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