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Nov 07, 2010 00:50

♕Important things to know about Vorona:

-She is a fighting addict who kills to understand more about the human body and how weak humans can be.
-If Vorona sees or sense that your character is a skilled fighter or is strong she will decide your character is a worthy opponent and target your character, attempting to kill them of course.
-It isn't just ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

insorrow November 7 2010, 13:15:28 UTC
Character(s): Ken Hidaka || 1thingincommon

Will she be able to tell your character is strong/fight worthy? Quite possibly. He looks every inch the boy next door, but he's clearly athletic. He's also pretty reckless (and overconfident) with it. Get him talking and it;ll probably be obvious, and it's not at all difficult to get him talking, either.

Can she fight/injure/kill your character? Fighting him is fine, any injury as a consequence would depend on the severity. Leaving him with cuts and bruises would be absolutely okay with me, anything more serious would need to be negotiated beforehand. Major injury and death are things I'd rather avoid, though, since he only just got himself killed once already and that isn't really something I'd be comfortable making a habit of.

If yes to any, are there any particular physical skills or abilities I should know about? Ken is also an assassin and he's rather good at it. He's a close-range, hand-to-hand fighter who killed people with a pair of metal claws. He doesn't carry them with him at all times, but ( ... )


ishikawa_juusan November 7 2010, 14:15:28 UTC
Character(s): Ishikawa Goemon.

Will she be able to tell your character is strong/fight worthy? I'd think so. He might not look it by his lack of bulk or strange/interesting physical traits, but he has been considered by some canon characters to be "a scary guy". He radiates calm strength.

Can she fight/injure/kill your character? Kill, probably not (for now, at least); injure and fight, sure! Please poke me so we can figure something out. XD

If yes to any, are there any particular physical skills or abilities I should know about? His impossible sword can cut just about anything in two as if it's paper; however, I won't make him destroy any one weapon unless permission is granted. Canonically, he also has quick reflexes and a springing jump, and sadly, he rarely seems to face an opponent who can do more than graze his cheek or cut his sleeve (which arguably make these new Lupin films quite boring, but that's a different story XD). Fortunately, this has to change in Somarium. :)

How should I contact you to give you a heads up? (Or ( ... )


whoreforkeys November 7 2010, 14:24:46 UTC
Character(s): whoreforkeys

Will she be able to tell your character is strong/fight worthy? It's possible. The giant key through the head already gives away that she's not human, and she has a decent amount of strength. Enough to lift heavy objects on her own power and drag them around.

Can she fight/injure/kill your character? Fighting is fine. I'm trying to avoid death for as long as possible. A.B.A avoids conflict if she can. Usually people tend to engage her in fights unless she's the one that ends up jealous or annoyed first. Around Somarium it would be unlikely since her weapon/husband isn't with her.

If yes to any, are there any particular physical skills or abilities I should know about? Without her key/demon axe she's just a lot faster than she would be while dragging him around. She is strong on her own in a physical sense, but most of her moves revolve around using her weapon in the game she's part of. I do assume she could easily pick up heavy objects around her and throw them/use them as weapons if she wanted with the strength she ( ... )


chose_death November 7 2010, 14:29:32 UTC
Character(s): Inspector Javert chose_death

Will she be able to tell your character is strong/fight worthy? Javert isn't exactly an overly skilled fighter in the video game or anime sense. In fact, he is mostly a normal human in terms of physical skill and strength. What is unusual about him is his defiance, confidence, and extreme recklessness. Since your character seems somewhat lawless, she's probably bound to run into the good Inspector sooner or later, and he will probably seek out a way to arrest her and chuck her in the lockup.

Can she fight/injure/kill your character? Contact me first so we can plan awesomely.

If yes to any, are there any particular physical skills or abilities I should know about? As I've said before, Javert is mostly a normal human. He does, however, possess uncanny perceptive abilities. In his own canon he's pretty damn spooky enough to make it seem as if he can read into the future. He would probably claim he is merely thorough and makes excellent guesses, but it's still something to put out there. XD BUT NO, other ( ... )


unfearful November 7 2010, 15:20:34 UTC
Character(s): bymyowneyes, flower_fields, ofnoise, masterofclocks, squaredly, undindicative.

Will she be able to tell your character is strong/fight worthy? Ffff, well, Senri and Echo are really the only strong fighters, and you already know that Echo looks like a harmless girl. :> Though Senri looks the part of a fighter, with the build and a sword at his side.

Can she fight/injure/kill your character? Yes to all.

If yes to any, are there any particular physical skills or abilities I should know about? Echo you know, so. Senri can transform his right arm into that of a bear's, and generally has good strength, endurance, and whatnot from it. He also seems to heal fairly quickly-never canonically stated, but his injuries always seem to be gone in a few days. xD; Also, tear his eyepatch off and... bad things will happen. Read: he'll turn into a vicious bear.

How should I contact you to give you a heads up? (Or do you just want me to surprise you?) If anything major is going to happen (i.e. severe injuries or death), I'd prefer to be contacted ahead of time. You know how to already. ♥

Anythings ( ... )


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