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Comments 31

cool_spectrum March 26 2011, 02:37:14 UTC
You made it \0/
These are really pretty, I like the first icon a lot!
I've never seen Card Captor Sakura, but I'm starting to think I should XD


selene March 26 2011, 02:44:48 UTC
Thank you! \o/
Thanks, I think that one turned out pretty good too. If mostly by accident.
I'd suggest it personally. It's kind of a long series, but it's just so cute!


miyasaikou March 26 2011, 03:35:52 UTC
phwoaaaah you did it in a day how did you even manage ;A; I nearly died doing mine.
loving the innocence and sky ones, they're all really pretty (: and nice concept for the sepia one heehee


selene March 26 2011, 03:50:59 UTC
Dogged perseverance I guess? I'm lucky I still have any hair left really. That last one was just... hard. I just sat and stared and went "But what else can I do with this I don't even know. ;A;" Which is probably why tomorrow I'll have to throw together a spare because using a texture as a screen layer is kinda cheating almost. BUT HONESTLY IT WAS THE ONLY THING MY BRAIN COULD THINK OF AGH. ;A;

Innocence is one of my favorites and I'm still kinda wishy-washy about the texture I used in the sky one/how it looks awfully washed out. I'm glad you like them!


miyasaikou March 26 2011, 04:40:18 UTC
Hahahaha I nearly pulled out all of my hair doing the icons. I'm sure that screened texture is fine, I mean at least I can still see it's part of the given texture! (: The sky one isn't that washed out! but even if it were, it's still really pretty soooooo ♥~


selene March 26 2011, 05:44:16 UTC
You too? I swear by the last few I was just so completely and utterly frazzled by it all! I think must have had my laptop at a funny angle when I was looking at it. The dangers of laptops to stationary monitors I guess. XD;;


ryfee March 26 2011, 04:24:54 UTC
Ooh Sakura/Syaoran~
These are lovely! I like your Innocence and Sky.
Damn, you make me want to rewatch CCS all over again. XD

Thanks so much for finishing and participating! ♥ :)


selene March 26 2011, 04:37:36 UTC
Thanks! Everyone seems to like Innocence, so clearly I accidentally did something right there. XD
CCS is great! I actually just finished rewatching the entire series last year. It's just as good as I remember it being, so I'm happy.

I'm just glad I managed to force myself to finish on time. I was beginning to think this would be my first round of not participating since it started!


nna_chan March 26 2011, 05:04:52 UTC
the sephia~ really is unique!


selene March 26 2011, 05:42:36 UTC
I'm still not sure what possessed me to icon their shadows. It was really just this fleeting fancy that I couldn't help but give into. ^^;;


(The comment has been removed)

selene March 26 2011, 06:29:39 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like them.


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