Phantom Load Master Fic Post

Jul 08, 2008 17:35

Title: Phantom Load
Author: lovesrain44
Artist: xterm
Genre: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, Dad, OFC's
Fic Rating: NC-17
Art Rating: G
Word Count: 54,000
Warnings:  Weechesters & present day, dark, angst, underage non-con (not wincest).
Summary: Dean and Sam return to Boulder, CO, where they investigate a haunted school. The job seems simple enough to Sam, who has good, ( Read more... )

phantom load, fanfiction, supernatural, big bang, big bang 2008, spn

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Comments 23

clex_monkie89 July 9 2008, 01:08:12 UTC
Actually, Dean's eyes didn't bleed in Provenance. They bled in the aptly titled Bloody Mary.

ETA: Also. Your fic is locked.


lovesrain44 July 9 2008, 01:32:19 UTC
Thanks for the fix! The story should be unlocked now!


thatotherperv July 9 2008, 01:21:32 UTC
gonna have to wait until later to read this, but I wanted to say I love the title. great metaphor for what you're working with here.

(also? I didn't know the off-position power sucking had a name. learn something new every day!)


lovesrain44 July 9 2008, 01:36:45 UTC
Hey, great! I hope you like it.
And yeah, phantom load, everything from your fridge to your computer, to vcrs/dvd players. If there's a little light indicating that it's on? It's using power, and you don't even know. : D


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lovesrain44 July 9 2008, 02:39:01 UTC
I'm fucking pleased with myself!!! It took two hours to post the thing, I'm all wracked with tenseness. Luckily I have some butter pecan ice cream that'll take care of everything.


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lovesrain44 July 9 2008, 02:52:17 UTC
Thank you.


beth9874 July 13 2008, 16:52:23 UTC
wondering, is it wincest or not, because i don't read wincest and you didn't make it clear.


lovesrain44 July 13 2008, 17:14:35 UTC
No it's not wincest....but it might be that there's too much information on my master fic post, so, to reconfirm, the genre says Gen, the characters are separated by commas, not slashes, (commas indicate no sexual paring and slashes indicate a same sex pairing) and finally, it says in parens (not wincest). Hope this helps!


beth9874 July 13 2008, 17:31:45 UTC
thanks, gonna get reading then, a lot of words, hope i can get it finished in time for Top Gear.


lovesrain44 July 13 2008, 17:35:29 UTC
You're more than welcome, and enjoy!


devin_chain July 21 2008, 07:35:32 UTC
Brilliant writing and appropriately painful. I couldn't stop reading once I started, so it's 2:35 a.m., and I've just finished. *hugs* Thank you.


lovesrain44 July 22 2008, 00:54:10 UTC
You stayed UP?? Oh man, that's the best compliment EVER!! You are more than welcome and thank YOU for the lovely post!!!


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