Phantom Load - Part 4

Jul 08, 2008 17:24

Friday, November 24th, 2006

Sam stirred, waking to a dry mouth and all of his covers flung off. There was a slender thread of light coming between the crack in the curtains, and with it he checked the room. It was 8 o’clock, according to the square red numbers on the nightstand, and with a click, the heat came on. What on earth? It was already ( Read more... )

phantom load, fanfiction, big bang, spn

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Comments 5

soymaid March 7 2009, 09:13:02 UTC
I must say, as interested as I am in the story, it's seeming less and less plausible that Sam isn't noticing the obvious problem with Dean's behavior. Sam is both observant and confrontational; the idea that he wouldn't have demanded answers from Dean at this point seems unlikely.

Otherwise, I am really enjoying this.


lovesrain44 March 7 2009, 16:59:55 UTC
Understood. I think in the circumstances, it's hard to watch Sam not seeing what's right in front of him. But if you're inside of that circumstance, I can tell you for reals and for trues that sometimes the most obvious things are invisible.

I'm glad you're enjoying!


The thing is... nyx_010 December 5 2010, 01:00:15 UTC
this kind of situation is difficult. Even if Sam did notice something, he would try to rationalize it somehow. Probably without realizing what he's doing. By convincing himself Dean is just sick, Sam can avoid the more uncomfortable questions. And Dean actually isn't being that obvious, what's happening with him can easily be mistaken for the flu.


Re: The thing is... lovesrain44 December 5 2010, 01:54:31 UTC
Exactly. People see what they want to see, and the last thing Sam wants to see is evidence that something's really wrong with Dean. Even if he had a clue, any clue, the last thing he'd imagine was that Dean was remembering all the crap he went through and that Dean was actually sexually molested by the very ghost they are chasing.


mrswinchester18 January 5 2011, 16:15:23 UTC
"a pothead, someone very low on society's ladder, could see the truth better and faster than an upstanding citizen."

I take a little offense a that considering that most of the potheads I know are well-established lawyers working in NYC and exactly the kind of person you would consider "an upstanding citizen."


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