Sparta Verse Posted on AO3

Oct 22, 2011 18:18

All of my Sparta Verse stories have now been posted on AO3. You can find them here.

I think I enjoy the Sparta stories most of all, because I love working with a young Sam, who is frustrated and annoyed at every other turn, and can't seem to keep his mouth shut, even when it will do him the most good. I love it that he's brave, even when he's scared ( Read more... )

upload, weechester, supernatural, sparta verse, fic, sparta, spn

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Comments 3

4422shini October 23 2011, 05:10:35 UTC
Holy f*ck I love the Sparta verse. I hope you keep writing it!!!! Because I will keep reading ittttt!!!!!111oneoneonesljfsdoifusfslkc.


lovesrain44 October 23 2011, 14:26:50 UTC
Hey thank you! I'm glad you like it! And yes, I'm planning on a few more from the summer from hell. : D


bonwriter October 23 2011, 23:39:16 UTC
I'm thrilled to learn there will be more Sparta stories!


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