To Fight in the Shade - Part 2

Jun 03, 2011 21:57

It was then that Sam realized that Dad meant it. In spite of the fact that his voice was low and even, which meant that he was trying to be patient, was talking to Sam as though he expected Sam to be smart enough to understand (which was something he seldom did), he meant it. Sam wasn’t going to be allowed to play soccer, not just this summer, but ( Read more... )

dean, sparta verse, sam, sparta, spn, supernatural, to fight in the shade, big bang 2011

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Comments 2

anyjay June 7 2011, 14:24:08 UTC
John is worried that Sam being good at soccer is going to get them noticed, but thinks beating his kid at the side of the road won't!!!!

Did no one drive down that road while this was happening, or did people see and not call 911, or were John and Sam gone by the time the police got there?

Now I'm worried about John tying them up.


lovesrain44 June 8 2011, 03:26:13 UTC
Well, he pulled WAY off to the side of the road, and he's off the highway, and I reckon he's too pissed off at Sam to see that even then they're maybe a little exposed. : D

Be worried. Be very worried. ; )

(It's fun reading your reactions as you go in the story.)


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