To Fight in the Shade - Post 3

Jun 03, 2011 21:56

“It’s only for a minute, Sam, but you need to understand what it feels like, you need to get used to it.” The top of Dad’s lip glittered with sweat, and his hair stuck to his forehead, but he looked at Sam as though he didn’t notice, because what he was saying was the most important thing.

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dean, sparta verse, sam, sparta, spn, supernatural, to fight in the shade, big bang 2011

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Comments 5

anyjay June 7 2011, 14:57:34 UTC
Sometimes, it was hard living up to Dean. Very true.

Again, I think you're doing a great job portraying Sam's emotions.

If Sam is going into 7th grade, he's 11 and Dean is 15, right? Interesting that John is starting them both on getting loose from being tied up at the same time. Is John expecting something?


lovesrain44 June 8 2011, 03:28:49 UTC
Well, I think I got my ages mixed up a tad. Maybe Sam should have said the 8th grade, because he's 13. He was twelve, but my research told me that he won the award in 1995, which meant that he's 13 during the summer from hell. Maybe John kept him back a year?

At any rate, the fact that both Sam and Dean are learning to escape from ropes, but Sam is much younger, isn't fair. As for John expecting something, I don't know. It's how that scene came out.


anyjay June 9 2011, 04:27:29 UTC
No, your math is right. Not sure where I got 11 from. Sorry.

I'd liked how the scene came out. I just like to try and guess what's going to happen next.


lovesrain44 June 9 2011, 09:40:56 UTC
No worries; my math is never good at the best of times.

And I'd like to know what happens next too! I started to feel a sense of urgency during the rope scenes, and I couldn't figure out why John was so insistent with this type of training. It's not like knowing how to throw a knife or shoot a gun, right? Hopefully time will tell. : D


reggie11 March 27 2014, 09:09:03 UTC
Fabulous story. I keep getting so damn angry because of John's expectations of Sam. Things really are completely unfair on Sam, he's much younger and smaller but expected to do as well as Dean and that's pretty much impossible. It fits very well with canon; we know John was particularly hard on Sam and also that he never gave him credit where it was due, plus we also know he always found a way to make Dean feel that he was never quite good enough either. I feel like slapping Dean with the way he feels his father can do no wrong but again, very much in line with canon. I think it's why I've always felt far more sympathy toward Sam than Dean. Of course Dean had way too much responsibility put on him to practically be Sam's parent which is heartbreaking, but he always thrived on hunting and thought the sun rose and shone with his dad. Sam never felt good enough, never wanted to hunt and wanted to feel safe more than anything. The line in the show that has always stuck with me is when Dean confronted Sam about wanting 'normal' and Sam ( ... )


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