To Fight in the Shade - Part 4

Jun 03, 2011 21:55

There was nothing Sam could do. He was all out of ideas about how to cheer Dean up, or make him not mad at Sam. Instead he got a piece of paper and a pencil from the shelf along the wall and bumped a little bit into Dean as he opened the fridge. The only thing in it was some old cheese, one lone egg in a mostly empty carton, and a plastic bag of ( Read more... )

dean, sparta verse, sam, sparta, spn, supernatural, to fight in the shade, big bang 2011

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Comments 3

anyjay June 7 2011, 15:32:39 UTC
Wow! Sam is in way over his head. How long will it take John to figure out where Sam is? I can't wait to see what happens next.


lovesrain44 June 8 2011, 03:29:51 UTC
Excellent! I had such fun with this part; I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.


reggie11 March 27 2014, 09:44:51 UTC
Poor Sam! With all of the things John taught him, he never thought to teach him what to do if he was picked up by the authorities. God, that boy's mother was ridiculous. Boys fight all the time, and throwing her friendship with the mayor into it made want to bitchslap her. John is going to flay Sam alive if he doesn't get taken by CPS first. Rope burns would be a little difficult to explain away, plus I imagine he's still bruise from getting beaten with a belt - it would totally look like abuse...because really, it is abuse.


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