With the Strength of Lions - Master Post (Sparta Verse)

Dec 04, 2010 20:02

Summary: Since it’s been so hot, Dad finally takes Sam and Dean to the river for a little fishing trip. This makes Sam feel a little bit better for not being able to play soccer, but not a whole lot because it’s still the summer from hell. This story is a sequel to The Gauntlet
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supernatural, sparta verse, sam, fic, sparta, gen, spn

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Comments 12

debbiel66 December 5 2010, 06:35:17 UTC
Can I just tell you how very, very happy this posting has made me? Cannot wait to read this.

Thank you! &hearts


lovesrain44 December 5 2010, 15:26:59 UTC
Yeah! You are more than welcome, and I hope you enjoy. : D


kassidy62 December 6 2010, 18:00:00 UTC
oh Deb, you love this verse, too? I am SO HAPPY IT'S POSTED:)


debbiel66 December 6 2010, 18:06:37 UTC
I do love this verse...dearly. This sounds kind of goofy but I wasn't sure where to leave my comment now that I've read the story. It said to comment on dreamwidth, using open ID, but I wasn't sure about that.

So here I go - loved this story! Loved the hints of despair and terror and tenderness we can glimpse in John even through Sam's little kid POV. I think this verse is one of the best uses of an adolescent POV I've read. Sam is trying to make sense of his world, while we try to see beyond Sam.

Really tragic the way those two never quite connected. Please say that the Sparta summer will be endless. Not great for Sam, but I don't want this to be the end. Selfish, I know.


keks80 December 5 2010, 09:54:14 UTC
Eeee, more Sparta! *flails and saves for bedtime reading*


lovesrain44 December 5 2010, 15:27:34 UTC
Eeeeee! Enjoy!


kassidy62 December 6 2010, 17:59:19 UTC
I am so happy to see this! Can't wait to read it.


lovesrain44 December 7 2010, 00:23:09 UTC
Oh I'm glad! I hope you enjoy it. : D


bonwriter December 7 2010, 15:56:26 UTC
Another comment from me: Where does the title come from?

Also -- thanks for posting the YouTube links of the river in flood. It really explains why John was as freaked out as he was.


lovesrain44 December 7 2010, 19:58:34 UTC
The title came from a poem I'd read while scrolling the internet. I have the name of the writer on a piece of paper somewhere, and if you knew my house, you'd know what a sad thing that is, because I can't find the paper and it's giving me hives not to be able to state my source. But then I went looking at Sparta stuff, like I sometimes to, the real Sparta, in Greece, and came upon this ( ... )


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