The Purple Prose Grief Scene that I Cut in the Final Version of The Things We Carry With Us

Aug 18, 2010 18:42

“You need a haircut,” says Dean, reaching for his, pulling the butter dish closer. He spreads butter over the top of the glaze and bites in with all his teeth. Chews for a moment, and then swallows. “What’ll Dad say when-”

Then he stops like he’s been poleaxed and he looks at Sam with wide round eyes, his coffee cup half way to his mouth. Like ( Read more... )

cut scene, the things we carry with us, big bang 2010, spn

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Comments 4

lavinialavender August 20 2010, 01:45:54 UTC
Ouch. It's powerful, though I see why you cut it. Nevertheless, good stuff here.


lovesrain44 August 20 2010, 01:51:14 UTC
Hey, thanks both for reading it and understanding the issue. It's not a bad scene, but alas, it just didn't fit.


lavinialavender August 20 2010, 01:55:47 UTC
And now I've started reading the fic it came from.


(definitely not supposed to get into a longfic like this tonight, but the header promised so much of my favorite things)

It's marvelous so far, though. Can't stop yet. D:

Gosh I love haircuts.


lovesrain44 August 20 2010, 02:07:45 UTC
Oh no! I've done that, I've been there! My sleep suffers, but I must READ!
I hope you enjoy it and that it's worth feeling groggy tomorrow. : D


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