The Things We Carry With Us - Long Author's Notes

Aug 16, 2010 19:37

This story was started in the somewhere middle of 2007, when I first got into SPN.

Continue... )

slash, sam/dean, the things we carry with us, fic, big bang 2010, spn

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Comments 6

keerawa August 20 2010, 22:14:00 UTC
so I made up a bar
*gasps* How could you?!?

This story felt so grounded in real places and experiences, I'm not the least bit surprised to hear about all the research you did for the story. I spent a couple months on a road trip, two years ago. Whenever we hit a dry country, I always imagined Dean's response.

And I totally agree with you - food is an essential part of a roadtrip, and getting to see a real slice of life for the people who live somewhere. Freaking Dairy Queens and Flying J cafes. Pfffft.


lovesrain44 August 21 2010, 01:30:27 UTC
Yeah, I know, right? How on earth could could a frontier town NOT have a bar? I drove around forever, and looked, and was sadly disappointed.

Road trips are the best, aren't they? You're just so...there, wherever it is you are, and it really helps me be in the moment. I live for them!

And thank you for agreeing with me about the food. Some people just don't get it. : D


juice4711 August 22 2010, 17:56:25 UTC
I really really enjoyed your story. It isn't often that I get to read a first time story that is about the boys falling in love, they tend to be all about the sex.
Not that I mind that - I am all for the sex , but it does make a change.
I also loved the way that you described the little things, left me craving onions rings at 8pm on a Sunday evening. ::sighs::


lovesrain44 August 22 2010, 18:27:54 UTC
I'm with you on that one. Falling in love involves sex, yes, but it's the falling in love that is important. Not that there's anything wrong with porn, because the internet was made for porn! Still, I like it when the story is about how they connect with each other.

And yeah, onion rings? It's so hard to get it right, but when they do? It's magical.

Thank you for your lovely comment!


on_verra October 14 2010, 22:59:50 UTC
I liked this very much! Very early-seasons quality indeed, and it all felt so real and immediate. Plus, wonderfully illuminating author's notes :)


lovesrain44 October 19 2010, 03:19:56 UTC
How kind of you to come by and read and to leave such a nice comment in my author's notes. I think I had more fun writing these than the story itself. : D


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