Sparta Verse: The Cabin, the beam lantern, and the crossbow

May 03, 2008 20:43

Okay, so this is a little experiment. When I write, I collect images of the things I'm writing about. Sometimes I take pictures. Sometimes I just snagg from the web. I was able to collect these three pictures of images from This is Sparta; I thought it might be interesting to post them, to see if I could figure out photobucket and that whole thing ( Read more... )

pics, sparta verse, sparta

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Comments 14

littlestarling May 4 2008, 03:28:18 UTC
Nice detailed props for your imagination! ;-)

BTW, I printed your fic out today to take to work with me to read (94 pages!) and I can't find no glaring error...yet.


lovesrain44 May 4 2008, 03:37:19 UTC
Hey, thanks! I have long been admiring your graphic images and how much they add to your stories (those beautiful headers!) and I thought I'd try my hand at posting, at least.

Yeah, the story is long, and bad things happen. I had a fit of pique and reworked the ending so it's at least a little happy. Poor babies!
Thank you, THANK you for reading it for me, I just need to know that I'm not insane!


littlestarling May 4 2008, 03:46:30 UTC
Posting things like this (and that other thing you just posted!) makes a fic journal very interesting! It gives insight into the writers thinking and process. It's cool to see what toys you like to play with.

You're not insane at all. The story is awesome! The drama rises very well, and I'm very, very pissed at John! Again, I love all the little details in your writing, the way the physical world looks, feels and tastes! Very compelling pics you create!


lovesrain44 May 4 2008, 03:59:27 UTC
I'd been noticing that when I went to your LJ, and you had new pics, I would get all inspired. And that picspams in general were rather fun, especially if there was clever commentary to go with. I finally got the gumption to figure it out. : D

Okay, I have to ask. Why are you mad at John?


amothea May 4 2008, 04:07:03 UTC
these are awesome. :)


lovesrain44 May 4 2008, 04:14:08 UTC
Hey, thank you!!! I used them to practice uploading from PhotoBucket. : D


keks80 May 4 2008, 11:09:57 UTC
Great pictures.

Wow, that cabin is a lot smaller than I imagined it to be, but of course I know absolutely nothing about backwood cabins. Three people in that small space, even if they spend most of their time outside... I'd go claustrophobic.

And honestly, that crossbow scares me. It just looks so lethal.


lovesrain44 May 4 2008, 20:35:36 UTC
Yeah, I'd loose it too, though you would get used to the close spaces and stuff. Plus, Dad's got them outside training a lot, and they're not used to any better. I had to get a floorplan like this because the couches and walls kept moving around in my mind. And I had no idea where the bathroom was!! When I found this particular floorplan, my eyes bugged out of my head, it was almost perfect. I had a graphic of the front of the cabin, but it's wandered off somehwere. I'll post it when I find it.

A crossbow can certainly kill, that's for sure. I wouldn't want one in the house!


serena64 May 5 2008, 14:26:06 UTC
Thanks for these. They're really interesting and yes, they do add to the story. It is interesting to see the cabin. Like Keks80, I hadn't pictured it so small.


lovesrain44 May 5 2008, 15:06:45 UTC
Well, I figured that in John's mind, staying indoors all summer wasn't number one priority. So yeah, it's small and there isn't a lot of privacy. It comes to about 780 square feet. I had an apartment that was around 900 square feet, but that was just me. They'll be bumping into each other all the time.


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