Fic Rec - Numbers

Sep 19, 2008 18:59

I don't normally read fanfiction outside of a certain range, certainly not for a show I've only watched one or two times and gave up on. But...Amalthia rec'd this story to me, and made it an instant rec, which means READ IT RIGHT AWAY. Since I'm an obedient sort, I did, and it was wonderful. Over 200,000 words of noncon, torture, angst, darkness, ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

littlestarling September 20 2008, 23:58:38 UTC
A rec from you and your lovely friend is as good as gold I'm sure. I'll save it for this weekend! :-)

Thank you very much! (nice icon! :-D)


lovesrain44 September 29 2008, 22:25:45 UTC
Well? Did you give it a go?


littlestarling September 29 2008, 23:07:26 UTC
Not yet. I spent my free time writing and posting the next revised chapter of ASR.


lovesrain44 September 29 2008, 23:26:14 UTC
Oooooooooooooooh!!! Well, you just keep on doing THAT! The numbers fic will wait! (I keep going to your lj to worship at your shrine and leave a nice long post on the rewrites and um...yeah.....I whimper)


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