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Comments 6

randomneses April 12 2009, 03:07:45 UTC
Lolz apparently.


lovesnape April 19 2009, 08:00:12 UTC
like wtf. i kinda hope that's not in the movie. or if it is he should suck at it P:


witherwings7 April 12 2009, 05:22:07 UTC

I think Harry went down to the local pub whenever he could get away from the Dursleys. The bartender, a kindly old man by the name of Howard, would let Harry tinker with the piano. Harry wanted to learn more so he bought some piano books from the bit of change Howard gave him for sweeping the floor of peanuts and unconscious drunks. Harry finally got to be pretty decent, not Elton John but he wasn't complete rubbish. Howard, being the kindly old man, let Harry entertain the nightly booze hounds and paid him in root beer.

And the rest, as they say, is history.


lovesnape April 19 2009, 08:00:44 UTC
I love you so much, Sara XD XD


witherwings7 April 19 2009, 08:52:10 UTC
I, or somebody else, should make a one-shot or a drabble ;D


lovesnape April 19 2009, 08:58:28 UTC
Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely.


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