"I dunno bout the skirt, it's a little too gold and sparkly..."

Jan 08, 2008 21:37

My audition is on Sunday. I think it's needless to say that I am nervous. o_o But Jaron says I'm in really good shape. I'm banking on that... :P

Oh, and to take my mind off it...

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manga/anime, circus, snily, rg veda, shoutouts, naruto

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Comments 14

so_severus January 9 2008, 08:37:09 UTC
good luck on your audition and happy new year :D


lovesnape January 14 2008, 00:26:29 UTC
I'll post about it in a bit. Like mebbe tomorrow or something. I'm just dead tired atm D:
Mebbe if I get in you can see it though!! It tours all over New England...! *U*

Hope your year's been excellent so far. y/n?


so_severus January 14 2008, 00:31:22 UTC
oh that would be cool!!
but it's still early :)


lovesnape January 14 2008, 02:26:25 UTC
Wouldn't it though??

Oh noes! Why? :C


(The comment has been removed)

lovesnape January 14 2008, 00:24:24 UTC
I think it went really well. I'm gonna post about it when I'm not dead tired though :P

And I just started watching Moonlight - I absolutely love it :D :D~


spikesminx January 9 2008, 14:05:09 UTC
Oh, that comm. A little voice inside my head is eating my brain since I've seen it, for me to join. But uh, I don't know. I'm not all that experienced, I've written so few fics so far and got one of them posted, so yeah, I don't know D:

People liked that one, though. My sister says she'll murder me if I don't keep writing.


lovesnape January 14 2008, 00:22:42 UTC
Well I'm not one for peer pressure but... do it, do it, do it lol.

And it's Snily! So you must must must! And I'm sure you're excellent!! It'll be amazing, I'm sure ^_^ *loves* <3<3~ *hugs*


spikesminx January 14 2008, 00:39:16 UTC
Aww, thanks for the encouragement, bb *smooch*

I decided about it, I'll probably join when I have time tomorrow ^_____^


lovesnape January 14 2008, 02:31:56 UTC
Really?? Weee!! I'm so so glad!! :D :D *loves*

I feel like Jesus. LOL. I'm all influential like :P

I'm so happy now *squees* Do be sure to post your work when the exchange is over, y/y?


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