oh, look! being artistic!

Nov 23, 2007 12:38

I watched Howl's Moving Castle again on the drive. I forgot how excellent it was ^o^ Do I spy a new fandom...? *waggles eyebrows* xD

Wrote some drabbly thing too. Original, no fandom. ( Wanna see? )

happy me, fics and the like..., fandom, my fics

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Comments 4

psychicninja November 23 2007, 21:16:28 UTC
Howl's Moving Castle is teh amazing. And OMG Howl is just about the hottest bishie like EVER. ;~; &hearts&hearts&hearts

Also, to drabbly bits:

First one most certainly does work. I envy your eye for detail and your descriptions. Just.. yes.

To the second, I KNOW WHAT THAT'S TALKING ABOUT. :P XD *pokeloves*


lovesnape December 7 2007, 06:09:16 UTC
EVER EVER Y/Y *ded omg* rarrr.... LOL

I like detail.... >.>;; Hehe, thanks tho hon. I'm glad it turned out okay. :P I kinna just busted it out... Lol. Sweet. Tight. (NUU STEVE!! D8>) xD Thanks agin lovey *huggles*

WELL OF COURSE! WHO ELSE WOULD I BE TALKING ABOUT?!?! xD Jay kay. I knew you'd know ;D <3<3


ryutsuki December 7 2007, 15:13:55 UTC
Wow~an orgasm explosion of beautiful, beautiful imagery! In both of them!

Stark against the indigo silhouettes of mountains, the tops of far off streaks peek their heads up, their blood red hair a final salute as they disappear beyond the never-far.
Years away they dance
are <3333

Tasted like his voice.
I love this <3


lovesnape December 9 2007, 21:28:19 UTC
*squee-glomps* xDD Omg thank you SO SO much, love. <3<3~

"orgasm explosion" just might be one of the greatest things I've ever heard LOL.

I tend to read things like this quickly, but I think there's a certain elegance reading it slowly... Specially that bit, you're right. I'm not being conceited I swear! Isn't "never-far"such a cool word?? hehe i felt cool. lol!

*hugglesquish* You have a way of complimenting my dear. You so made my day. ^U^ Silly homeworks, trix are for kids! :P


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