(Semi-)Friends Only

Dec 21, 2020 19:32

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Comments 17

maraudersaffair September 2 2007, 18:33:03 UTC
Hey! I really love your name -- friends? :D

Fandom -- HP. :]


lovesnape September 5 2007, 20:59:24 UTC
Lol thanks. But what drove you to friend me? How'd you find my journal...?


maraudersaffair September 5 2007, 22:48:16 UTC
Through Randomeses' journal and your name. It was awesome. :D


lovesnape September 7 2007, 04:48:57 UTC
OH! I thought I had seen your name somewhere... Well, if your a friend of Ashley's you must be fairly fabulous!! ;D
Sure, i'll friend. :)


navi_glow September 5 2007, 20:07:58 UTC
Hello darling!! I miss you and ur amusing lil comments! Are you still alive, chump!
If your wanting to see any of my graphics, their all at tralala_icons now!
Hope your ok, bubba *glomps* ;)


lovesnape September 5 2007, 21:08:21 UTC
Yes yes I'm alive :P I've been sadly not on LJ as much as I was ;_; And I know my posts hadn't been showing up on people's f-pages because I (hehe) was back-dating my entries... >.>;;; Yeeeeah...

But I should be on more often now. I'm managing my time better, and lol i'm not backdating my entries XP.

Thanks for checkin' in with me tho! :D *huggles*

(oh, and I'm totally watching tralala_icons, don't you worry ;D)


spikesminx September 30 2007, 12:46:37 UTC
Your name just shines in any page, lol =D I think I saw you on a friend's info, and couldn't resist the temptation to friend you ^__^ Only to discover that we both adore Alan Rickman, Snape and Johnny Depp. Oh, you ship Lily/Snape too. Total win! Friends?


lovesnape September 30 2007, 17:32:03 UTC
DOOD! YES. WIN! *totally friending* xDDD


spikesminx September 30 2007, 17:44:24 UTC
Yay =D


ryutsuki December 21 2007, 05:26:50 UTC


lovesnape January 9 2008, 06:00:27 UTC
Oh my god I feel terrible only getting to this now D:

But THANK YOU!! *loves muchly* I'm so touched you thought of me!! ^.^

How was your Christmas/New Year?? I hope fabulous! :D <3~


sarshin March 19 2008, 05:33:29 UTC
This is ryutsuki :)


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