May 20, 2007 19:34

This is my first organized icon post yay! And they're basically all that I've made. Granted I haven't been iconning that long, but hey. I know I've improved since the beginning though, definitely. ;) Please let me know what you think, I'm always eager for concrit so I can improve. =^_^=

Let's see, we've got a lot of doubles5 - Shadow the Hedgehog ( Read more... )

harry potter, snape my snarky love!, happy me, icons, pimp, alan the wonderful, daniel radcliffe, sonic

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Comments 13

black_sound May 21 2007, 06:32:40 UTC
You know I actualy voted for #25? I think I should start posting my award to ... *blush*


lovesnape May 21 2007, 06:44:17 UTC
Really? :D It was kind of a last minute thing, but it's definitely grown on me. ^_^

you should! in like a separate post or in your profile or something. (though there are probably WAY too many for the latter *hugglesquishes*)


black_sound May 21 2007, 07:16:54 UTC
I do have ... 5 diferent posts whit my awards ... here. But I don't speak about them on icon post :P


lovesnape May 22 2007, 14:37:18 UTC
Five different posts?? O.O Damn, girl! How long have you been iconning?

Jeez, you really are amazingly talented. &hearts


so_severus May 22 2007, 07:20:21 UTC
oooh so pretty!

My favorites are: 8,9, 12, 16, 24 & 25 :D


lovesnape May 23 2007, 03:21:55 UTC
O.O *glomps* omg thank you so much! :D You don't know how happy your comment made me feel. Like, one of my favorite iconners likes my icons. o_o *huggleglomps* I feel all warm now :)

omg rose is so pretty. I loved making those icons ^_^

thanks again, love. &hearts


stringfever June 27 2007, 04:29:07 UTC
9, thanks!


lovesnape June 27 2007, 13:14:11 UTC
You're so welcome! Thank YOU! :D
Rose is always gorgeous. She's so much fun to icon ^_^

If you don't mind my asking, though, how'd you come across my journal? Only I've never seen you around before... Was it random or were you referred? I'm curious ^^;

&hearts &hearts !!


stringfever June 27 2007, 13:42:24 UTC
I think, I found you thru Rickman icons. I was wondering around, looking for some more AR avatars (hey, I paid for my 100 pics!) and found some of yours.
I am Russian (if you go to my journal and try to read something, you probably see some weird font)) it's in Russian. But I live in US)


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